Divorced my cheating husband & every person he knew just informed me that he stole frm them and who he was cheating with and lied on me “what all he was doing, I was the one doing it all to him.”

by Tina ()

Lord and Savior JESUS CHRIST FATHER THY CREATOR THINE GOD HELP ME AND MY HEART MIND BODY OF MY OWN SOUL AND SPIRIT TO FORGIVE ALL OF THOSE WHO TREATED ME VERY BADLY EVEN MY OWN FAMILY AS WELL AS MY OWN HUSBAND DAT GOD ALMIGHTY CREATOR FATHER BOUND ME WITH ON SEPTEMBER 20TH, 2018. My heart is blackened and cold hearted again against all mankind who You created in Your own image I don’t believe they’re worthy of Your likeness on the very flesh YOU FATHER CREATOR THINE GOD PRINTED THEM IN YOUR BELOVETH IMAGE. I ASKETH THEE TO HELP ME HEAL and move pass this. I want to love as much as YOU FATHER love, mercy, grace, and most of all FORGIVE ALL. I want my heart to heal and be forgiven for my own sins of not being able to forgive and think the way I do. Especially when they have lied on me because I am a virtuous woman and never cheat nor lie. I am your child and warrior FATHER, but I most of all I want to give mercy and forgiveness with grace to all of those people who YOU birth and put me in their own life span and paths in my 56years as a mortal being. You gave me a job to do but it is very challenging for me to accomplish things as I do have WRATH and pain from many hurts starting with my own parents and grandparents who wanted to kill me in the darkness of my own mother’s womb who treats me like a transient and not of her only child of her own flesh and blood. My family is my judge, jury, persecution and punishers who have abandoned turned their backs on me and have fuilded my own 3 offsprings lies and spitefulness against me and not acknowledge nor accept that I am a VIRTUOUS WOMAN AND CHILD OF GOD’S AND HIS WORDS ARE THE WORDS THAT I SPEAKETH AND HEARETH AND READETH DAILY AND NIGHTLY SINCE I WAS A TODDLER AND THE VERY FIRST BOOK I WAS TAUGHT TO READ FROM MY GRANDFATHER WHO WAS A DEACON OF OUR CHURCH AS MY mother was a prostitute and drug fiend and was never around to see me grow up and the limited times my Grandfather allowed her to be with me she abandoned me solely each time for her drug enabling drug dealer and pimp and allowed him to beat me set me on fire for sucking my thumb and he is not my blood and flesh biological father. I’ve been nothing but a good girl. Even saved her life several times medically and she was angry with me for saving her mortal life each time and lashes out at me to this very date and time frame. I’ve divorced 2 of the only 2 men I married for cheating, indulging in various drugs and abusing me and trying to abate me from the word of GOD. Even my husband of six years who use to pray, read the Bible with me has failed me and I turned my family against me because I didn’t give up on trying to get him to return to GOD as he was in the beginning of the 3years of our marriage. Just to find out the entirety of our 6 years of marriage and residency together he has been cheating and lying on me the whole time. He even abandoned me when I became bedridden last year. He left me struggling to get out of bed to go to the bathroom to relieve myself. One day he came back home angry. Woke up angry yelling from the time his eyes opened until he closed them 4-5 days in a row laters. “Blasphemer and cursing GOD saying there’s no GOD he is GOD!” Throwing things not cleaning up behind himself and he’s getting ready to turn 40 years old Dec 9th coming. He started running off and staying gone 3 days at a time monthly on a bicycle. We became homeless after moving on Aug 15th 2023. On this past Labor Day he accused me of having sexual relationship with his friend that I just met and with his lady friend. His friend put him out of his home told him the same thing I told him dat he needs to stop doing the Meth drugs and get back to GOD. I told him dat I can’t do this anymore with him. Public embarrassments, the lies and spitefulness against me. Now that I have been gone and removed him from all of my business accounts and access to my storage unit and he doesn’t even know my new address. He’s calling me and leaving me voicemails just breathing and asking people how he can locate me because he loves me and want to talk and take him back. No!!! I gave him the one chance and every opportunity to leave me alone. Until he crossed his friends who opened their houses to shelter him whilst we were homeless. Whilst his friends were away from their homes, he stole sentimental properties from them and rigged their own homes for him to come back and rob them. And my business accounts partners have caught him on camera breaking into their own properties and their other business associates properties, the State of Texas Parole Board has contracted me because he has been to prison and is under drug supervision since 2015 and he hasn’t been reporting to his felony drug supervisor since he was released in 2015. Our families are very good friends to each other. His mother is my Godmother my biological father’s best friend who passed away this Juneteenth 2023. So I’ve been knowing my now exhusband’s family before he was born. As well as him. But parole never came out especially on a felony drug case??? We married in 2018 of September 20th. His drug felony isn’t for distribution of drugs it for using drugs. Everybody tried to get him help. We even told him to do the right thing and turn himself into the police because he has a warrant for his arrest for theft. Everything is coming out about my husband. Even him being caught on camera at the apartment complex where we lived together as a family. He has been caught having sex in the parking lot whilst I’m right upstairs in our apartment home. And stealing property from our neighbors’ balconies and porches. I just can’t submit to personally forgive all he has done to me and our neighbors and friends and family and my service animals dat I had for 19 years who passed from cancer and 10 years mysteriously died along with an additional 6 months of 2 service animals he got me dat mysteriously died dat the Becker VCA Emergency Veterinarian Hospitals couldn’t find with expensive testings what made my animals suddenly and violently sick and died in the 3 months span from the very date my babies came home with him as gifts to me. The emotional and psychological abuse he has played on me has ripped out my beating heart, my love has turned into hatred, and wrath. I’ve changed back into a person of my youth that I worked over 30 years to keep that dragon asleep. And I need prayers to put this dragon back to dormancy. I was trained to be a U. S. Marine Corps soldier with military affiliated marksmanship in artillery of 4 years ROTC graduated as 1st Lieutenant in 1984. B4TH DAT I started training from my 2x honorable discharged Navy Seamanship and Army Sergeant who served in Pearl Harbor War my Grandfather when I started walking at 2 years old. And my biological father whose a registered martial artist started training me at 5 years old after my stepdad my mother’s pimp and drug dealer gangster set me on fire when I was 4 years old for sucking my thumb. Who does that????
Please pray for me every being of my mortal body and my soul and my spirit has never been my own because I always believed GOD ALMIGHTY CREATOR THINE FATHER KEPT THAT IN HIS OWN POSSESSION BECAUSE HE TOLD ME I HAVE A JOB TO DO FOR HIM AFTER HE CREATED ME AND I BLINKED AND AWOKE IN THE DARKNESS OF MY MOTHER’S 16 YEAR OLD WOMB. Two weeks later after my birth my Grandmother was murdered my mother’s mother and best friend. Which I understood her, but recently had to let her go too out of my life by my choice. Because our relationship is toxic. And I’m letting go of ALOT of toxic people in my life span for the next 54 years since these past 56 years of my life span has been so unhealthy for my soul, health, and spirit. 8m disassociating from all to start anew life span doing GOD’S WILL & JOB with other people that HE places me into these new people’s life span who is willing to learn and listen and get to know our Brother and Savior JESUS CHRIST and The WORD OF GOD. And I have informed everyone of my own family and offsprings, as well as those I’ve just met who were once loyal loving friends of my husband’s. In which I have kept my promise to his Mother who was my Godmother before she became my Mother In Law whose in Heaven now. And I’m asking for prayers to bless my new journey on this battlefield as I fight SIDE-BY-SIDE BACK-2-BACK WITH MY BROTHER JESUS CHRIST as our FATHER’S WILL CONTINUES to bring HIS OWN IMAGE of HIS children who are lost in the enemies and PRINCIPALITIES’ DOMINANCE OF the darkness of GOD ALMIGHTY THY CREATOR THINE FATHER’S beautiful creations and creatures that DWELLETH within both realms spiritual and moral. I appreciate your understanding and assistance and patience in prayer for me. Bless Be and GOD PROTECTS HIS OWN CHILDREN AND PROVIDES FOR THEM. May our Brother Jesus Christ continue to walketh beside each entity that serves our Father God Almighty Most Highest Abba Father. Selah Amen🌹🪭 Peace be faithful with all servants of God ❣️

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