Deliverance and Healing

by Teddy ()

Hi please continue to pray Jesus will deliver Marc from the chains of addiction, strongholds and soul ties that are in his heart, mind and body. Plus any toxic relationships he Is in. Marc struggles with his mental health and the enemy knows his weaknesses so fills his thoughts with lies so Marc will feel hopeless and live a defeated live. Pray Holy Spirit will reveal truth to Marc about who he is in Christ and God’s promises.Lord Jesus help him to forgive those who have hurt him and ask for forgiveness so he will come to you and you can begin your healing him.
Please pray for our relationship, I love him and miss him ,since he decided to have no contact I haven’t heard from him in months.I’m respecting his decision and faithfully pray for him. It’s hard but pray I will trust Jesus ,who loves Marc and is with him, to take care of him and that I will focus on what Jesus has for me.each day. Help me to trust in God’s timing for when Marc and I will see each other again

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