Hi please continue to pray Jesus will heal Marc from the pain of his past and deliver him from the chains of addiction, strongholds and his soul ties in his heart, mind and body.
Marc struggles with his mental health when he is feeling overwhelmed or stressed he pulls away and turns to alcohol as a source of comfort rather than Jesus. The enemy knows his weaknesses so fills his head with lies pray Holy Spirit will reveal the truth of who he is in Christ and God’s promises. As well bring to mind who Marc needs to forgive and ask for forgiveness so Jesus can bring healing to Marc allowing him to live in freedom from the past.
I love and miss Marc but sometimes I tend to be too persistent, because I fear something is going to happen to him, which causes him to pull away as a result I haven’t heard from him in awhile. It’s hard pray Jesus will give me wisdom and peace about what to do because I don’t want to damage our relationship. Pray I will let go and trust Jesus with Marc. He is wth him, knows him and loves him.
Pray for our relationship that in the right time we will be together again but in the meantime I will continue to pray for Marc each day and focus on what Jesus has for me.
Thank you
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