my teen son

Trying to keep my son involved in positive activities. He is on the baseball team and is feeling unconfident and discouraged, wants to quit. Please pray that he has confidence, and please pray he has a great game tomorrow to help him feel he has skills and is contributing to the team. A home run … Continue reading “my teen son”


I pray God bless my daughter Kuhle. Please God break the chains of alcohol abuse and the spirit of laziness. As her mother I would like to see her turning her life to God and crafting a career for herself. Break the bondage of bad friends from her life. Break the spirit of selfishness and … Continue reading “Prayer”


I have a 47 yr old daughter hasn’t spoken to me in 4 yrs and no one knows why, I’ve beg her to tell me so I can apologize but nothing, we are 1200 miles apart right now, I’ve finally connected w.ith my grandson 17 who loves the Lord but I just send things on … Continue reading “Daughter”

Legal Hearing

Today is the day for the legal hearing for my son and his estranged wife who is possessed by alcoholism, hate and anger. Dear Lord, as I sit here looking for your intercession into this situation, it’s hard for me to understand this fight that has created so much heartache. Help me and my son … Continue reading “Legal Hearing”

Please answer

Dear Lord, my son is so upset and angry by the lies that his wife is telling the legal system. He cannot see that God is his refuge. He sees that You have not helped him and that his honesty and living the good life has done anything to prevent his alcoholic wife from going … Continue reading “Please answer”


Dear God I pray to you for forgiveness because there are many times I feel like a failure as a mother I have two beautiful children whom have struggled with a lot of issues growing up as I and my husband did there was no physical abuse but I worked 3 jobs and my husband … Continue reading “Forgiveness”

Drop Protection Orders

Dear Lord, You know that Y & J’s relationship is dissolving with each filing Orders of Protection against each other out of anger and retaliation. As a hearing approaches on Thursday, please remove Y’s need to punish J and prevent him from seeing his children and living in his house. Oversee the lawyers, judges and … Continue reading “Drop Protection Orders”

Sophie’s salvation

Father God you know what my heart is when it comes to praying for the salvation of my granddaughter, Sofia. I am not too proud to plead in prayer with you for her her soul. Lord Jesus, please do not let her get past you. Please bring her to genuine saving faith in you as … Continue reading “Sophie’s salvation”

prayer for provision

Dear God, Thank you Lord for all that you have done for us, Lord I pray that you help us to survive until the end of the month meaning my payday. Help us Lord with food and transport money to go to work and to school. Oh Lord I pray that you bless me with … Continue reading “prayer for provision”

Cover my children

Dear God this morning I put my boys before you, they are 17 and 19 years old father. Lord I want to ask you to protect them where ever they go with your Holy blood. Be with them and guide them with each decision they make in life my Father. Open there eyes to the … Continue reading “Cover my children”

A prodigal son

My adult son, Paul who has changed since marrying 17 yrs ago . A woman I always feel has issues of jealousy & insecurities & I believe practices a craft. My son has changed to someone I don’t care for! Things have not gotten better over 17 yrs! I don’t trust a person who changes … Continue reading “A prodigal son”

Strength for my son

Pray for my son and his family. They need financial help asap. They have had some rocky roads and is still trying to get back. Pray that the devil leave him alone so he can find a job to support his family.. He just got through a court case and can now apply for some … Continue reading “Strength for my son”

I finally had my baby and child protective services showed up over transportation issues when I had a plan already

I am really stressed out sitting here at the hospital yesterday at 5am is when I had too get induced too have my breeched baby. Now she’s here and before I had her. Because I didn’t have a actual set transportation like my own car but was gonna get a cab too get home after … Continue reading “I finally had my baby and child protective services showed up over transportation issues when I had a plan already”


My son needs the Holy Spirit to give him wisdom so that he can meet the difficulties of his high school situation–struggling with school work because he procrastinates and is off-task, and struggles with ADHD–but more with just needing the GRIT to do his work. He is academically capable–just so apathetic. Pray for God to … Continue reading “Micah”

Guidance and discernment

Dear Heavenly Father, You are the Almighty and powerful God! I beg for forgiveness of my sins. Please Lord watch over my family, my children and their children. Bless my family with your grace, mercy and abundant love. Guide us on the path You would have us to go. Lord, I pray for Your blessings … Continue reading “Guidance and discernment”

Prayer for my Niece

Lord, please help my Niece in her decision to move. Give her the insight and knowledge that this is a bad decision to leave us and go back to her father. You, Lord got her out of the bad situation with her father and she came back to us to love her and guide her … Continue reading “Prayer for my Niece”

The kids

Lord be with them always, protect them with your most powerful angels, show them that there mom and daddy love them, no matter what happens. Show them the joy and the life you gave them, make them know they are blessings to this world from you, qllowme to prove to them you made them unique … Continue reading “The kids”

God’s Healing

Dear God, please send the Grace of Your Holy Spirit to be with all children and as they age and make choices that are not in accordance with God’s Will. I especially beg God’s Blessings and Healing Peace for the son, Charles, that God gifted to my care. He and his family are lost in … Continue reading “God’s Healing”

he my children know God

Father God, I am challenged by the devil everyday and am not the best example for a peaceful Godly servant. I ask for prayer to give !e strength to come to you everyday and give you my burdens. Help me be an example of trust, patience and faith for my children. They have made and … Continue reading “he my children know God”

Heal My Leg Lord

Father God, I have,as you know, had this very bad injury which has been years in the making. I had just about had it fully healed with a skin graft to complete the healing.But ,somehow,unbeknownst to me, an infection appeared and wiped out the skin graft. So, once again it healed enough to try another … Continue reading “Heal My Leg Lord”

My son

Dear God, Thank you that you are mighty and all- knowing, and that your love is infinite. Lord, I am suffering because my son has been taken into care and I don’t agree with the reasoning; I don’t understand why. We didn’t mistreat him. His father is very angry and sometimes blames me and is … Continue reading “My son”


Please touch and agree with me. My daughter went against my request to not get married. She married a woman in spite of me telling her how God says it’s wrong! I told her it was abomination and he detested it! I explained it all! Am deeply hurt but let her know I love her … Continue reading “Deliverance”


My youngest son, who I thought I had a very close relationship with is leaving our town and wanting to move 3 hours away. He said that he does not care how I feel and does not care that he is close in distance or not. I have always felt like we were close. I … Continue reading “help”

Kids seeking GOD

I have two children my daughter is name Mya she’s 15 and my son is name Rayden he’s 13. I don’t have custody right now for my kids but I am trying to get get them but I know that there dad an his girlfriend don’t go to church or probably doesn’t talk about God … Continue reading “Kids seeking GOD”


Dear lord please hear my prayers for me and my children physically emotionally financially employment legal housing car insurance and car repair needs met. We’re in desperate need of a financial miracle immediately especially Kim please provide for us. Forgive us for our carelessness in spending overdrafting help us be wise with the funds we … Continue reading “Strength”

Quality of life

I would like my relationship with God to be stronger. I want to be able to have more time in my life to do what is important for my children’s sake. I want them to know and love God and not have any hardships in school. I pray for my son to be less silly … Continue reading “Quality of life”

Controlled by the enemy.

My son Ronald is so lost, he is addicted to alcohol and gambling. He runs the streets every night and sometimes the day as well on his days off from work. He is disrespectful to women especially me as his mother. He goes through women like a revolving door. He seems to have multiple personalities … Continue reading “Controlled by the enemy.”

Safety for my son

I am praying to God to give protection to my son from his father. I have the second part of my custody trial from my soon to be ex-husband, who physically abused us both and unfortunately fell back into drugs and alcohol and I got a protection from abuse order against him and I am … Continue reading “Safety for my son”

My prodigal daughter

Hello, please pray for me and my daughter Rachel to reconcile our relationship and that she come home to see her Grandmother soon. Rachel met a young man, lied about her 1st year college grades than ran off with him, they married and she quit school. For many months she wouldnt even call or tell … Continue reading “My prodigal daughter”

Please pray

Please pray for my son who fights constant unwanted thoughts afters his TBI. Please pray for God’s peace and for a hedge of protection around him. Also asking for prayers for a friends son who is on a very bad path at 16 years old. Please pray he will wake up and make better choices. … Continue reading “Please pray”

Prayers for my son

Please pray for my son Dylan. Please pray he can find the right person to help him get the time and grace to show he is working so hard to make all the changes he needs to get better and do better. He just needs the right person and the time. Please pray for him … Continue reading “Prayers for my son”


Please pray for my family, my son Tyler doesn’t want to go to school, and is fighting depression and anxiety I don’t know how to help him. My kids in general hate their school, were they live and I can’t say I blame them. Although I am grateful for the home my siblings were able … Continue reading “Hope”

My children

Prayers for my four children. Three are grown and trying to make their way in the world. Prayers they keep God as their center focus and in their marriages. Prayers for all my children to make wise decisions and to find peace in God’s word. Prayers for my 15 year old son – high school … Continue reading “My children”


Dear God please help my son get over his drinking issues with alcohol. He is 34 years old and drinks too heavy on the weekends and gets drunk at least one time per weekend. I pray once mostly twice per day for his control in this matter without success! I need encouragement in the face … Continue reading “Encouragement”

Need Prayer

Please pray for my children I have 3 boys and one girl and none of them are saved..I want my children saved and I know God can change any bad situation and turn it to good and I am claiming it in the name of Jesus that they will be saved. And also , please … Continue reading “Need Prayer”