Right now there is a celebration going on at my house. My daughter has received some good news. My two girls are talking and planning and playing. They are including me through Facebook and phone calls. I am feeling the excitement, even though I am eight hours away in a hotel room. The distance can’t dampen my enthusiasm for their excitement.
Celebration is a central part of the Christian life. We tend to forget the joy and amazement that the disciples felt when they first saw the risen Lord. The women were elated to go back to the frightened disciples to share the news of Christ’s resurrection.
“So the women hurried away from the tomb, afraid yet filled with joy, and ran to tell His disciples” (Matthew 28:8).
We sometimes forget that the resurrection is an event to be celebrated not just one day a year, Easter Sunday, but through- out the year. Christ is alive, and that fact gives us reason to celebrate and rejoice. The dark days of sin and death are over, and He is alive, in heaven and on earth. We should be celebrating “on earth as it is in heaven” (Matthew 6:10).
The Holy Spirit resides in the world to help us celebrate and rejoice in the truth that Christ is risen. As Christians we should celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ with the same enthu- siasm and energy as the celestial beings who surround His throne singing, “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty, who was, and is, and is to come” (Revelations 4:8).
Celebrate with great gusto and zeal the resurrection of our Lord.
Photo by Erwan Hesry
Denise Larson Cooper has a passion for Christ and sharing His Word. A wife and mother of two daughters, Denise currently works as a gymnastic coach.
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Check Out Denise’s Books!
Godnesia: Keeping God in Mind Each Day http://amzn.to/2GSquOD
Ordinary Days With an Extraordinary Savior – http://amzn.to/2mFGASBLife Is a Metaphor: Recognizing God in the Everyday – http://amzn.to/2De1rU2
I truly enjoyed reading this article! It was a great reminder that we throughly Jesus Christ have much to celebrate and give thanks for every day of our lives.
We can never thank God enough.