
Dear Lord, please bring forgiveness and restoration to my family. Repair broken relationships and soften hearts. Watch over my children and cover them with the blood of Jesus. Holy Spirit speak to them and bring them to a renewed relationship with you. Recall to their minds the truth of salvation and all the scriptures they … Continue reading “Renewal”

For Reagan and Fredrick

Please pray with me for Reagan. She is making great progress in her journey, making big changes for the better. Pray that this continues. She is making amends with people she hurt, especially the old boyfriend,Fredrick, who has stood by her through this time, even though she separated herself from him. Pray that their trust … Continue reading “For Reagan and Fredrick”


My name is Erika and I am asking for prayer today for Charley George, my partner. He is struggling with his mental health, feeling a lot of depression and sadness and overwhelmed by the issues we had in our past. We have been together over 4 years now but our past issues have caused him … Continue reading “Charley”

Save Ron!

Ron is in need of salvation. He has pushed everyone away because he hates himself and doesn’t think he’s worthy. He has expressed openness to learning about God, but just as we were getting close, he pushed me away too. The enemy must love the rift between us because now Ron is cut off from … Continue reading “Save Ron!”

Prayers for guidance

I am asking for prayers to help heal the broken relationship with my daughter She has stepped out of her marriage and is not honoring her vows. No marriage, husband or wife is perfect an I believe we are all tested at times. I see a different person now who is trying so hard to … Continue reading “Prayers for guidance”

Prayer for healing

First I want to thank God for His goodness and faithfulness. I’m asking for prayer for my granddaughter to get a job. She’s been looking for over 2 months and still hasn’t been able to find one she really needs one so she doesn’t lose her place. Also I’m asking for family reconciliation between my … Continue reading “Prayer for healing”

Healing from Betrayal

“Dear God, thank you for always being faithful to me. I can always count on you to love me completely and unconditionally. Thank you for being perfectly trustworthy. I can always rely on you to do what’s best for me and help me with whatever I need. ou know all of the painful thoughts and … Continue reading “Healing from Betrayal”

Restoration and a home

I would like prayer for relationship restoration and forgiveness from my daughter. Roxy and my granddaughter. Zoey. I had to make a heartbreaking choice. Between leaving them and taking care of my 89 y.o. mother, Mary who has dementia. I chose to be a caregiver for my mother. It has been rather lonely for me … Continue reading “Restoration and a home”


Communication, support, time TLC brainstorm initave exist in my-our families/world. Love serve graditude 2 God. Bible read tithe repent convert marry be non addicted exercise eat healthy sleep well work, learning. Safety measures 24-7, not be worldly, gossipers, 7 deadly sinners, think negative, live in fear or desperate for love, attention or loneliness. Not settle … Continue reading “Blessings”

Friend issues

Please pray for Esther she is our bible study leader. She is not a strong Christian and doesn’t know the bible as well as she should, but she is learning. She seems to try to interrupt me when I’m talking and says rude things. I know it is spiritual warfare, but she is responsible for … Continue reading “Friend issues”

The Lord be with us

Hello. My name is Jeremy and i have a problem with depression. I have spiritual warfare going on, actually at that so strong that the spirits no longer let me do almost anything on my own. I have repented and renounced my sins completely and i know the Lord is with me because i’m a … Continue reading “The Lord be with us”

my marriage and family

Please pray for my marriage, things are very bad right now, well I guess they always have been but it feels like it’s ending. My husband relapsed with drugs and alcohol and lying to me and taking off and not answering his phone and he doesn’t have a job. We got in a very bad … Continue reading “my marriage and family”

Broken Marriage

Lord bring my husband back to me in mind and body and soul. Let him love me so much that he doesn’t look or even acknowledge any other woman, let him look and love me as I am the only woman in this world . Pray my husband thinks of me 24/7 of all the … Continue reading “Broken Marriage”


My husband has had an affair. The pain of betrayal is unbearable and the anger is uncontrollable and both are destroying my health. He wants to repair the relationship but he’s not truly remorseful and I don’t trust him, love him or respect him any longer. I’m living in a hell on earth. We are … Continue reading “Infidelity”

Marriage Restoration

Hello, Together since 1980, Born Again and married 1989, 6 healthy children together since. Only girlfriend and wife I ever had. Her mom died suddenly in October 2023 and she inherited her house and left me saying she hasn’t loved me in a long time. I saw very little signs of that, thought I had … Continue reading “Marriage Restoration”

Marriage Restoration

I amnseeking special prayer for my daughter and her marriage.Restire it,bring peace forever to their home.My son in law constantly cheating abd keep lying about it.My daughter has been extremely hurt and thus is affected her health wise even me.Pray that he will stop this forever. THIS is creating violence and she is giving up.Chikdren … Continue reading “Marriage Restoration”

Marriage rroblems

I just want to pray for my marriage, since 2019 when we got married in November he’s never been with me, his mother always comes between us and breaks us up somehow or another. This past week he has been texting me saying he would like to see me every time I go to his … Continue reading “Marriage rroblems”


Dear friends, pray to our Lord for husband Don, for me and our cats Leo and Monkey from our evil Landlord Alina and her assistant Salvador. Alina hates cats, she is extremely rude, mean and a bad human, please I beg you to pray to God to protect us from them, pray to Jesus to … Continue reading “PROTECTION”

Surrendering to the lord

Hey guys Can you please join me in praying for the peace of Jerusalem and fit my physical health. I suffered a brain injury back in 2011 and it still affects me physically. I am in love with a girl whom I’m not sure is Christian or not. Please pray for her salvation. He name … Continue reading “Surrendering to the lord”

Restoration and reconciliation

Heavenly Father, I pray that my girlfriend forgives me and gives us another chance to restore our relationship. I pray that you send your healing angels to heal damaged hearts. I pray that you continue to remove the chains of insecurities/trauma that I have encountered from past failing relationships and my girlfriend forgives me and … Continue reading “Restoration and reconciliation”

Ramené l’homme de ma vie

Père,je te demande en ce jour,de prier pour moi et mon conjoint,car plus rien ne vas dans notre couple, ramène le à la maison. Purifie son cœur,change le complètement pour que je puisse le retrouver comme dans les débuts de notre relation. Car un bon partenaire, c’est quelqu’un de fiable, quelqu’un d’authentique,de rassurant, avec qui … Continue reading “Ramené l’homme de ma vie”


First I want to say thank you for praying with me…after being pregnant for 5 months the father of my child finally reached out to me. I never thought this would happen and know that we are not to hold on to grudges but I feel like I must protect my mental health so I … Continue reading “Direction”

Me and my Husband

I need a prayer for my relationship. me and my Husband got in trouble last week beacause I accidently called the police and they come and arrest him. and the whole family got mad at me. they dont want me to stay with them anymore. please pray for me so we can get together again … Continue reading “Me and my Husband”

Today’s blessings

Today as I wake to realize that I do have something to praise God for, even in the midst of a harsh breakup. I know this person this relationship tried to defeat me so I would be miserably defeated and frustrated and frieghtened and desperate like them But I Still have my will my determination … Continue reading “Today’s blessings”

complicated work situations

Pray that Matt, Tyler stop harassing me and get help. Matt jokes about being violent, committing suicide and framing me and Tyler gossips, makes up dramatic lies, distracting the whole group away from our work and scapegoating others. I pray they stop hurting our team and everyone learns to mind their business when it comes … Continue reading “complicated work situations”

Please come back to me AM

St. Jude the most holy apostle, faithful servant and friend of Jesus, the church honoureth and invoketh thee universally, as patron of hopeless cases, and of things most despaired of. Pray for me, who am so miserable. Make use, I implore thee, of that particular privilege accorded to thee, to bring visible and speedy help … Continue reading “Please come back to me AM”

Healing and restoration

Dearest Lord, I call upon Your Name to praise and worship You for the countless favors You have done for us. You showered us with Your love and abounding grace. You fought battles for us and endured the pain with us. Lord, we ask for healing and forgiveness during this difficult time. I pray for … Continue reading “Healing and restoration”


im in a tough spot with my mom right now. it seems like lately all we do is fight about everything. with it being so close to Christmas, my new years resolution is to squash any tenseness and fragility between us. i just recently lost my dad so she is all i got and i … Continue reading “mom”

Sin correction

Please pray against wicked evildoers who bait, seduce, entice, lure people away from righteousness to practice evil/wicked ways; pray for God to keep His sovereign, righteous reign over those who lie, slander, gossip, teach falsehoods and demonic teachings, and who treat people with wickedness, malice and contempt; let all evil and wicked ways be chastened, … Continue reading “Sin correction”

Waiting in silence

In the past 7 months, my job closed down unexpectedly and I have not found another fulltime job. My tenants one I had to evict the other one has been diagnosed with three types of cancer and is hospitalized. My car and my sons car broke down. The man whom I had been in a … Continue reading “Waiting in silence”

Healing for usc

Please pray John is safe and his heart is filled with forgiveness and understanding. I want to move forward in our relationship and I ask that you pray he feels the same towards me. Please pray that one of the loans I applied for is approved tomorrow so my financial worries will be gone and … Continue reading “Healing for usc”


Please pray for my friend Samuel. We used to be close friends and had a spiritual connection as brothers in Christ. I destroyed the friendship while I backslid, said hurtful things about the church, and this destroyed our bond as brothers. We haven’t spoken in a year, and I have tried to make amends, but … Continue reading “Reconciliation”

Relationship prayer

I am in a relationship where i dont even understand where we stand, my partner and I. Of late I am having a really having a hard time communicating and getting through to him. He asked me if I was obsessed with him and I replied yes I am and ever since that day he … Continue reading “Relationship prayer”

Renew My Marriage

My marriage is under great strain. Lord, touch my heart and my wife’s heart that we may again experience your love that brought us together. That we will see each other again with those new eyes. Keep this family united in selfless service, thoughtfulness, and giving to one another. Heal our hearts and fill us … Continue reading “Renew My Marriage”

Psalms 13

Dear Lord I am so grateful and thankful for the blessings of you have spared us another day weekend and weeks and months for each other and every thought of you Lord thank you so much for your blessings of goodness…but I struggle with negative emotions and feelings help every Lord to be about up … Continue reading “Psalms 13”

Lost without you….

Dear God, these past few weeks and months have been a struggle for me. I lost the one I love because I was neglectful of her. They say that failure is the best teacher… Now I realize just how much she meant to me. I apologized to her for letting her down and have tried … Continue reading “Lost without you….”