Torn and Worn

Dear Heavenly Father. All glory and honor be Yours in all things. In the precious name of Jesus, I pray for my broken family. A relationship between my husband and son that has never been complete. Our only son who with his wife of 7 years, and 3 children ages 5,4,and 2 are moving out … Continue reading “Torn and Worn”


Heavenly Father, 🙏 I come as humbled as I so how with a heart filled with thanksgiving. Giving you praise and glory uplifting your name I asked that you change my situation.. intervene with my husband right bc prayer an’t no distance..reveal to him the true nature of Sheila Scott and Father I ask that … Continue reading “Restoration”

Help in our marriage

I’m reaching out to you again, as you have prayed for me in the past. I humbly ask for your prayers once more, as my marriage and family are facing significant challenges. Please pray for the Heavenly Father to heal our marriage and guide us as we work through our difficulties. I declare that I … Continue reading “Help in our marriage”

Urgent for my husband

Pray urgently for my husband please. He left us. We devastated and I keep expressing my love for him. He has done things that he does not want to be honest about, and is living a life of secrecy. Please pray for a spirit of truth to come over him, and for him to love … Continue reading “Urgent for my husband”

A disaster i created

im not married, nor was i in any relationship. but i destroyed my life in someone’s eyes. i neverthought this would even happen, there was a friend i had, we were really close, but society judged us, as we are opposite genders, there eventually became fights at home, but we knew we weren’t into romance … Continue reading “A disaster i created”

Family peace

My precious family is a fractured mess. We never had relationship issues until our future DIL entered our family circle. She comes from a dysfunctional household, and carries anger, disrespect and confrontation. She needs Jesus. She is holding our 1yr old grandson hostage and has warped our son’s mind. They go to Liberal counselors which … Continue reading “Family peace”

Turn from sin

Heavenly father I come before you today asking that you Please remind David that you had a plan and purpose for his freedom and life. Lord give him peace knowing that you are a forgiving God and that you love him and call him your child. Father help him to clear his mind and have … Continue reading “Turn from sin”


Please pray for family connections between my daughter and my sister to be restored. My daughter treats me like I don’t matter. She doesn’t stay in touch or ever check on me. I am getting past 70 and she acts like I don’t exist! I’m having a hard time financially and sometimes can’t make ends … Continue reading “Forgiveness”

“A Mothers Plea”

Lord it’s been 16yrs since I last saw my only child Mary..I miss her terribly so much that my body aches..It’s getting harder to keep my faith & hope within arms reach Lord..So much time has past and soon you will be calling me home and I’m afraid that’s going to happen before I’m able … Continue reading ““A Mothers Plea””


My husband and I met in college. We both grew up in Christian homes. He had porn addiction before meeting me. I waited 7 yrs to marry him to ensure he was free of addiction and free of seeing any images. He promised he would never return to his past sexual sin. We have been … Continue reading “Marriage”

Need your help

My husband is talking to other women about moving out and being with them. Every time he’ll be caught he promises me that it’s over, then another one comes along. He gets very angry with me and says I have no right snooping! I feel I have a right being he is my husband. I … Continue reading “Need your help”

They are faithful

I am trying to come totally back all the way to Father God and get out of a relationship I’ve been in for seven years living in temptation and sin. I am not married to him and we live together, have abused each other done drugs and gotten into addiction together and we’re toxic for … Continue reading “They are faithful”

Broken Hearted/Marriage

My husband infidelity has change his affections toward me. Our intimacy is no longer there. I struggle with the manner of how he treated me during his relationship with the other woman. He disrespected me because his relationship was or might still be with his employees. I am at a place of uncertainty about my … Continue reading “Broken Hearted/Marriage”


in church should growing up should said i am going to hellsfire hades or maybe heaven and family said being family friend enemy or that some family were struggling i had money college art from government benefits not family generational money had to be shared ii must make it clear money is not from treasury … Continue reading “judgement”

New Love

Hello & thank you for reading my prayer request. I am submitting a request for prayer help with a new relationship (Scott B & me -Linda C). We have both had a tough past year and are both very hesitant about re-entering the relationship scene. I am active in the church and whereas he once … Continue reading “New Love”

Estrangement from daughter

Please let my daughter realize I love her. I have realized my mistake in over protecting her from her dad and over indulging her with money when she was struggling with alcoholism. Whenever I express an opinion NOW. she shuns me..last time for15 months. I’m struggling with explaining to her now about what I did … Continue reading “Estrangement from daughter”

Estrangement from daughter

Please let my daughter realize I love her. I have realized my mistake in over protecting her from her dad and over indulging her with money when she was struggling with alcoholism. Whenever I express an opinion NOW. she shuns me..last time for15 months. I’m struggling with explaining to her now about what I did … Continue reading “Estrangement from daughter”


Jesus lord my friend p Kalidas reddy should love me too much and he should never be able to live without me Jesus . He should love me truly madly and deeply too much and should get addicted to me lord Jesus . I should be in his mind 24/7. He should never love any … Continue reading “Relationship”

Prayer for my daughter

Our Lord Father please help my daughter and son in law to put their children before themselves, to love their children and see them as a Blessing from God instead of just a job. Please Lord help them and give them maturity, clarity and wisdom. Help them to lead their family and surround them with … Continue reading “Prayer for my daughter”

Restoration of everything

Requesting prayer for me and my children and for me on my children father relationship to be restored back together and for the spell on curses to be broken from my life on from around my children from off my finances marriage job business documents visa and everything ,,please I need me and my children … Continue reading “Restoration of everything”

Restoration of everything

Requesting prayer for me and my children and for me on my children father relationship to be restored back together and for the spell on curses to be broken from my life on from around my children from off my finances marriage job business documents visa and everything ,,please I need me and my children … Continue reading “Restoration of everything”

Reconciliation with an Ex

Dear God, anything is possible with you I ask for a miracle to help restore my relationship with my ex-partner. God I also ask for your grace and mercy .Father, I am truly sorry for my shortcomings that comprised my relationship. I ask for your forgiveness for my sins.ask for your forgiveness and pray for … Continue reading “Reconciliation with an Ex”

Help me love my husband

Not sure what to say I’ve been married for 29 years 5 years we were separated because of his drug abuse we ended up getting back together and we’re still together but we’ve never really been friends and I have a hard time listening to anything he says and he tells me I must not … Continue reading “Help me love my husband”

Marriage restoration

I am asking the Lord to restore my marriage. My ex-husband had an affair for years ago and left. He was involved with a woman who is a practicing witch and he said she put spells on him and drugged him. They are no longer together, but I can still see the effects of the … Continue reading “Marriage restoration”


I just need some prayers I’ve been going through a toxic relationship right now the guy in with been with him for 3 yrs but those 3 yrs he’s been incarcerated. And while he was locked up I kinda cheated on him with someone and I had actually falling in love with him but I … Continue reading “Myself”


After 43 years of marriage and various affairs, my husband decided that he was not happy and had to go and find “happiness before he died”. In a matter of 6 weeks, he left and filed for divorce. He is now living with another woman and it feels like he’s torn our my heart, thrown … Continue reading “Brokenhearted”


Please pray for my daughter and her former boyfriend. They were in a serious relationship, discussing marriage. My daughter went through a difficult season, with some personal struggles and adjustment problems. She got off the right path for a time and ended things. She started counseling to better herself and has made huge strides. But … Continue reading “Reconciliation”


Plz pray for me & daughter in having a better relationship and let me back in her life so I can help her she’s struggling every day with what she’s going through she refuses help she’s blocked me out of her life I want her to go with me to a program to get help … Continue reading “Communication”

A friend

I wanted to pray for a person who I believed was my friend. I recently found out that this person dislikes my culture; he thinks my race is low class; this friend does so much. He is a missionary who travels to the Philippines and to Tijuana, and he writes Xmas letters to share all … Continue reading “A friend”


A few days ago I had to kick my son & his wife out of my home because of the spiritual warfare I was faced with, his wife, along with her family practice witchcraft. This morning I woke to see 2 spirits attacking my body while I slept. Pray that the M—-s family will be … Continue reading “protection”