Love failure

I love a girl. But she doesn’t like me at all. I am deeply in love with her,I can’t live without her. Jesus christ,my father help me to give me some happiness and her love. Help me lord by creating a love feelings in her heart for me. Keep her away from all distractions which … Continue reading “Love failure”


I pray that Josh starts to open up to me more. I pray that he is led back to me. I pray that he talks to me more and that tomorrow we do get to talk on the phone and that it is a happy conversation and that it makes him feel good to talk … Continue reading “HELP ASAP”


Lord, Please forgive me where I fall short. Help me to be a better person and not be so self-centered. I have felt so weak in the past few months, and I have hurt the man that I love deeply. Please help me save this relationship and stop being self-destructive. Help me to make him … Continue reading “Relationship”

Prayer for my marriage..

Spiritual growth, emotional healing, mental health, Phycological wellbeing.. Marriage life, pray for my Spouse, Rego, He’s behaviors and attitudes.. I feel so drained because alot of how our life has turned, we are both saved, serving in the house of God, bt there’s alot of restlessness because of u resolved issues, unforgiveness, and other attacks … Continue reading “Prayer for my marriage..”

Broken hearted

I recently moved back to my home state of PA from Fla. I missed my grandchildren and wanted to watch them grow and invest in their lives. My daughter inlaws parents have always come 1st so I don’t see my grandchildren as much as the other side. I asked my son why in a text. … Continue reading “Broken hearted”

over my marriage

Heavenly Father, We come before You with hearts open and longing for Your divine intervention in our marriage. We ask for Your grace and mercy to cover us, and for Your love to bind us together stronger than ever before. Lord, we pray for restoration. Heal the wounds that have caused division and pain between … Continue reading “over my marriage”

Marriage restoration

Praer asking God to restore my Marriage and the Relationship with my Husband!! Help us to become one again in you!! Prayer asking God to help my husband to forgive me and that we will come back to each other to work on our Marriage!! Lord! Please help us as I am believing you for … Continue reading “Marriage restoration”


Heavenly Father, I cry out to you for comfort and healing as I feel I am barely hanging on. The anguish I feel as I grapple with my insecurities, rejection, and emotions that go with the hurts that seem never to end. I ask for forgiveness and help reconciling with my family over times I … Continue reading “Family”

Desperately sinking

Need of some prayer warriors for my Husband and I. We have only been married 2 years, however I know God put us together for a reason. In the last several months it’s been a real battle to keep pushing and going forward for me. I don’t know what is happening or understand. Everything my … Continue reading “Desperately sinking”

Desperately sinking

Need of some prayer warriors for my Husband and I. We have only been married 2 years, however I know God put us together for a reason. In the last several months it’s been a real battle to keep pushing and going forward for me. I don’t know what is happening or understand. Everything my … Continue reading “Desperately sinking”

Prayer for Love

Father God I come to you this morning and pray for me and Jesse I pray that you empty our hearts of any and all resentment anger and negative thought towards each other and fill our hearts with love compassion and forgiveness for each other strengthen our relationship with your guidance and support for us … Continue reading “Prayer for Love”

Break promises to God

Most gracious father I ask that you will please help me to remember the promises that I made to you that I will open my heart my mind and my soul to you each morning before I submit to doing for him before I have a completed my promise I made to you Please give … Continue reading “Break promises to God”

Please pray for me

My life is a complete mess, and I’m broken, depressed and lonely all the time. Over the past 6 months I’ve lost nearly everything and everyone I love. Please help me Lord. Please restore my marriage and stop my wife from divorcing me. And please don’t let my wife have sole custody of our kids. … Continue reading “Please pray for me”

Healing Of Relationship

I have a neighbor, 3 doors down the hall from me, who announced 4 years ago, that she was Ima (Mother) to me. This was over 4 years ago now. Somehow, she’s got the idea that this gives her permission to scream at me, order me around and Shame me. She became angry when I … Continue reading “Healing Of Relationship”

we need to get back

i am a guy from bangladesh. i loved a girl named shefa. she was from muslim community, We loved each other a lot. but there were lot of politician involed to make us separated. they gave money to some of my own community people, even the gave money to our pastor. So my own community … Continue reading “we need to get back”


I’m so grateful to take this time to thank my heavenly Father, Son and Holy Spirit for always being there for me through my life. I would especially like to thank you Jesus my Lord Saviour for as you died on the cross you gave me your Mother. My Mother I know in my heart … Continue reading “Thanksgiving”


I’m so grateful to take this time to thank my heavenly Father, Son and Holy Spirit for always being there for me through my life. I would especially like to thank you Jesus my Lord Saviour for as you died on the cross you gave me your Mother. My Mother I know in my heart … Continue reading “Thanksgiving”


Dear Lord. I need to feel a connection with you that I seem to have lost. Only you can restore my children and our relationships. Please Lord I need to be recharged. I have turned my back on you and I do not deserve your Grace, But I sure would love to have some more … Continue reading “Help”

An Offense Taken

I had taken serious offense with a communal ministry in Chicago, one that hosted the Cornerstone fest for 28 summers one century. I felt quite justified in it too, you see I’d been recovering from a business networking cult – and still had something of an attitude challenge, one that wore a clever disguise as … Continue reading “An Offense Taken”


Please pray for reconciliation between me and my daughter. She wants nothing to do with me. She will not return phone calls and messages and won’t let me see my 2 grandchildren. One was born in January of this year and saw the baby for 2 hours. I haven’t seen them since. Her father and … Continue reading “Reconciliation”

Not sure his guidance

I lived a hard life some out of my control and some my fault. Everytime I try to do right and things are going great it’s short lived. I never wanted much out of life except be successful and have a husband and kids that love me. Mostly to be a good person. I’ve been … Continue reading “Not sure his guidance”

Broken Relationships

I am in a broken relationship which is my marriage.I have prayed and prayed for 23 years for much improvement in my marriage.When I think that things may be positively getting better,I tends to always be more disappointed.I am married to a man who has a terrible temper,he always anger at me.He disrespects me verbally … Continue reading “Broken Relationships”

For God to Intervene

I’m giving a friendship to God. For a while it was the only thing I deeply treasured in life. I want the Lord to have it because it has broken and there is nothing i can do to fix it. This friend meant the world to me. Her name is Tristan. I just ask that … Continue reading “For God to Intervene”

Broken Relationships

My daughter has left her Christian beliefs for the world, after her husband left her for the gay lifestyle. They won’t let me see my grandchildren, I assume, because I am Christian. I’m so disappointed and discouraged. I miss them so much, I feel like nothing is worthwhile. Please pray for their salvation and our … Continue reading “Broken Relationships”

May 23 hearing

Dear Lord, please preside over the legal hearing that is being held on May 23, 2024 to determine initial plans for the children and divorce proceedings for my son. Provide the legal system with discernment as to the welfare of the children providing for the rights of their father and what’s best for them. Oversee … Continue reading “May 23 hearing”

Torn and Worn

Dear Heavenly Father. All glory and honor be Yours in all things. In the precious name of Jesus, I pray for my broken family. A relationship between my husband and son that has never been complete. Our only son who with his wife of 7 years, and 3 children ages 5,4,and 2 are moving out … Continue reading “Torn and Worn”


Heavenly Father, 🙏 I come as humbled as I so how with a heart filled with thanksgiving. Giving you praise and glory uplifting your name I asked that you change my situation.. intervene with my husband right bc prayer an’t no distance..reveal to him the true nature of Sheila Scott and Father I ask that … Continue reading “Restoration”

Help in our marriage

I’m reaching out to you again, as you have prayed for me in the past. I humbly ask for your prayers once more, as my marriage and family are facing significant challenges. Please pray for the Heavenly Father to heal our marriage and guide us as we work through our difficulties. I declare that I … Continue reading “Help in our marriage”

Urgent for my husband

Pray urgently for my husband please. He left us. We devastated and I keep expressing my love for him. He has done things that he does not want to be honest about, and is living a life of secrecy. Please pray for a spirit of truth to come over him, and for him to love … Continue reading “Urgent for my husband”

A disaster i created

im not married, nor was i in any relationship. but i destroyed my life in someone’s eyes. i neverthought this would even happen, there was a friend i had, we were really close, but society judged us, as we are opposite genders, there eventually became fights at home, but we knew we weren’t into romance … Continue reading “A disaster i created”

Family peace

My precious family is a fractured mess. We never had relationship issues until our future DIL entered our family circle. She comes from a dysfunctional household, and carries anger, disrespect and confrontation. She needs Jesus. She is holding our 1yr old grandson hostage and has warped our son’s mind. They go to Liberal counselors which … Continue reading “Family peace”