Oh Merciful Father in heaven. I praise You for Your everlasting love, mercy, grace, goodness and faithfulness to me. I thank You for the adversity In My life for I know You are using it for my good. How I long to be healed of the emotional and psychological trauma that robs me of peace and joy. My husband has improved his behaviors in many ways yet there remains behaviors abd comments that trigger my PTSD. Yet, I confess that patterns of crooked thinking and a too sensitive spirit within me trip me up also. Please forgive me for every way I contribute to the problems in our marriage. I want to be healed Lord, and live in peace with all people. I bring my sins of discontent, complaining, pride, weak faith, self-centeredness, and an unforgiving spirit. Oh please grant me thy Holy Spirit and victory over self. I thank you Father for Your attention to my prayer. I know you see and know all things. You are able to save to the uttermost those who our their trust in You. I trust you Lord. Help me trust you more. In The beautiful name of Jesus! Amen
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