Break every chain from me and children life

by Karen ()

Lord I am asking you to break every chain off me, kids and grandkids life in Jesus name.lord I am asking you to lay your hands up on me and my boyfriend life. Let our love grow each day, step in our life lord and make it hold, lord make the impossible, become possible. Lord I know you can do it in Jesus name.lord my daughter and son and one of my grandchild is away bless them, lord I know they can and will make it in life. Lord you keep them and inspired them in your way lord, and my best grandchild back home bless her also lay your hands up on her. Lord remember my little daughter here with me lay your hands up on her guide her along life way,keep her in Jesus name. Me and my husband to be walk in our life build it, let us grow in your way lord Jesus. Lord provide for our little family, all ways open door in our life’s that was shot by the enemies lord Jesus, I trust you in Jesus name I pray Amen.

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