Blessing not to be homeless or in a facility pray for a job please lord here my soul


Father thank you for freely giving me your mercy that I might freely give it to others thank u that I can stoop to lift the fallen to restore the broken and to heal the hurting help me by willing to love people who are messy and not turn away from them In jesus name amen 🙏 God please bless me for everything understanding I have to understand from a person behind being a man but to understand things in a righteous perspective because of u I pray mercy upon everyone that’s going threw a struggle no matter how big or small it is I pray u deliver ever individual soul to only do was right for self and don’t have to depend on anyone to dictate or judge them or have the power to put them in a form they wouldn’t put themselves please lord honor my pray I’m going threw but it’s cool only to see the person a person will persuade a individual to assume but to have a righteous spirit upon spirituality god will always revile a understanding to whom he want but please lord shine a light on people paths to do was right no was wrong being though wrong is easy please lord bless souls to do was right with a pure heart please lord it’s the holidays ur birthday please send blessing down for me lord u no I pray I need it to only be the man I can be in Christ please healing especially the wounds of every individual that need healing please lord heal souls maybe the world could be better by u healing the right people to be pure for u to guide them in it direction for there family for all our children and for everyone to have a holy man and woman of god as a husband or wife In jesus name I pray amen 🙏

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