Becoming a Grandmother

by Prayers Admin ()

Dear Virgen Mary:
I humbly ask you to help my daughter in law and my loving son, to become parents and for me, to receive the happiness to hold a grandson or granddaughter in my arms before God calls me. Please Sweet and loving Virgen Mary, you are a mother and you know the Blessings and happiness a child can bring into a marriage. I promise I will do everything in my power to instill in him the love for God. You, sweet and always loving Virgen Mary, have always been the one I pray to, the one I cry my heart out and you have always always been there for me to console me and bring me peace to my heart and soul. Thanks for interceding before God and your Son Jesus Christ in my behalf. Please give Your Blessing to my son and daughter in law to have children.
In Jesus name.

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