Anxiety and Restoration of a Relationship

by colin ()

Father, thank you for your countless blessings in my life. I am at the moment having a really hard time seeing them due to the failure (possible) of my relationship with Leah. I am also having tremendous anxiety and I know I should cast all anxiety upon you. So I ask for help in that regard. Father, You are the GOD of miracles and if it is your will please allow Leah and I to find out a way to rectify and grow in our former relationship. She is a true woman of GOD and I can easily say she has brought me closer to YOU. I am forever grateful for that. I am genuinely asking for YOUR help LORD. Please give me clarity, wisdom and a discernment to see your will for my life. I believe Leah belongs in it but if it isnt YOUR will please allow me the ability to see that. I pray this in Your son’s, my Messiah’s HOLY Name of Jesus. Amen

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