Lift my sister, Mary, up in prayer. She has stage 4 lung cancer, that has spread to her liver. She was blessed to be able to only have to take 1 pill per day for two and a half years. When the cancer became worse in her liver she received chemo six times, then was put on maintenance chemo. Now she is experiencing fatigue and it appears she has fluid in her stomach cavity. Extreme bloating, discomfort, difficulty breathing. Admitted to hospital. Fluid drained stomach, lung. New chemo will be tried. She is a lovely, humble giving person. Jesus can heal if it is His will. I am on new ground that I have not been on before. We live 2500 miles apart. I pray to Jesus that I can have His strength so that Mary will see Him as I talk with her every day. And when I will be caring for her as the cancer fight continues. Jesus I trust You. I know You know what the outcome will be, and You are with us every day of our lives, especially this part of the journey. Thank You Jesus for all you have already done, and what You will do in the future. I appreciate you praying. God bless and be with you all always.
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