Thank you for praying for me! My husband of 65 years passed away last year and I still miss him terribly! We were still very much in love, and God was the center of our lives, we were both very active in our local church!
Now I am living by myself and I miss all the little things he used to do for me!
I need God to set me free from the depression that I feel every day!
I have rejoined my church choir and my community chorus! I have always loved to sing for the Lord!
I have care- givers come for 5 days a week, for about two hours per day!
Please pray that I can get in to a weekly Bible Study!
I’m planning a plane trip to see my granddaughter who
Iives in CT!
God bless you for praying for me!
I have started to read my Bible again and just finished a study in Revelation assisted by an book from the Billy Graham ministries!
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