Not to give up but be encouraged.

by Michelle ()

Hello all. I’ve been thinking about posting for prayer for a while now, and I opened you guys email and kept scrolling and it was a sign. There is so much that I need prayer for. I feel like I should be able to pray for it myself, but I know it’s not really like that. I’ve been feeling down and out lately because it seems like my fiancĂ©’s life and everyone else’s is going good I’m just going through constant trials and situations, that make me want to give up. I need to get a job to help out with our finances. Money is getting tighter and tighter, and the goal was for me to stay focused on going to college right now. I am currently enrolled waiting on my semester to start and also I use whatever I have left over from financial aid to help out. But it’s the need is greater than the wait and once that money is here, it’s gone. I also have a criminal background, so I have to be very selective with the jobs I apply for. Ensuring I get hired, or i don’t have to quit. Plus I would like to get the right job that’s a perfect fit. Then my fiancĂ© is going through a custody battle with her girls. I’ve been in their lives for 6 years now, and because the father got upset that she was granted some visitations rights, I got caught in the cross hairs and now have a no contact order in place with them right now. I want nothing more than to have my family together, and I miss them so much. This situations makes it so that I have to find something to do for 8 hours while she spends her time. It’s frustrating and very taxing, not to mention we don’t really have the money for me to waste gas. So I usually end up taking care of chores that we do for our family. It seems like I am working all the time and get no time to relax or do something I enjoy for lack of finances. Also it seems my body has taken an attack, as I am constipated and well literally full of poop. I’ve relieved most of it, but the hard stuff is being stubborn and I am in so much pain everyday. I know I am in a season right now and being prepared for something greater, but I’m lonely also. I had to drop my friends because we are just in different areas of our lives. I’m trying to live right and not party. I’m also struggling with addiction. There isn’t anyone around me who can relate to me. Most people are still in active addiction, and also I’m really like the only person who lives my life serving God. They all say they believe, but they don’t pray. Read devotions. Read the Bible. Talk about God and His goodness. I get so excited talking about Jesus, and they try to down play Him. So I prefer to stay at home, and interact with my family when they have time, to fill my spirit. Plus a couple of months ago the enemy tried to make me and everyone around me think I was crazy. I still think they think I am, but I know how I feel when I take my medication, and I wasn’t feeling right. Plus I am working on my anger so my emotions were all over the place and I wasn’t handling them correctly. I didn’t know who to trust. I still don’t. Someone has hacked into all my technology. And when I show the people I care about the things I’ve seen or discovered, they tell me it’s my mental health and I need to get my medication right. When I tell my fiance that I believe I know who it is, she doesn’t believe me because these people would never do it. I’ve stopped taking some of my medication and I feel so much better. Plus I failed a drug test and I haven’t used them in a while. So something is going on. I believe her family is trying to break us up. The funny thing is we had our rough start, but we’ve come a long way. And I really don’t bother anyone. I’m different from them. I’m trying to live right. I have a few ideas why they would come after me, but it just isn’t right. Someone’s trying to hurt me through my medicine, through my mental health, and my technology. I have no privacy because all my accounts don’t belong to me and I feel so helpless. I can’t do anything. I can’t even get a loan or a credit card, because I would never know if I got it. Plus I don’t know what’s being put in my name. I’m scared one day the police is going to come knock on my door looking for me. Well that’s it in a nutshell. I’m trying to stay encouraged and strong, but it’s tough and a bit depressing. Thank you guys so much for being there and praying for me. I feel selfish because I feel like I should ask for prayer for others, but I really need some help.

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