Prayer For Loss of Stolen Items

by Serenity ()

Heavenly Father,

I come before You with a heavy heart, seeking Your help in this time of need. I have lost something valuable to me, and I am troubled by this loss. I ask for Your guidance and intervention in the return of what has been taken.

Lord, please help me find the stolen phone that has been lost. If it is Your will, bring it back into my possession, and grant me the peace of mind to accept whatever outcome You provide.

At the same time, I pray for the person who took what was not theirs. Open their heart to Your love and wisdom. Guide them toward repentance and transformation, so that they may understand the gravity of their actions and seek forgiveness. Let them find a path to redemption and turn away from wrongdoing.

May Your justice and mercy prevail, and may this situation be resolved in a way that reflects Your grace and truth. I place my trust in Your hands, knowing that You are always with me.

In Your holy name, I pray, amen

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