The path to success and continuous path to our most high

by Prayers Admin ()

Dear lord please forgive me for all I have done to upset you it was truly not my intention. Please point me to the path you provided for me to take this journey that you have put me on . Give me the tools to be able to provide for my family as well as others whom may need your loving grace in their times of confusion and distress I want to be that shepherd that help and lead others to you , I pray for peace in our country that is so corrupted by evil , as I know to trust and believe in you with all my heart I truly believe there is no weapons that forms against us , because our battles has already been Won , give me the words to speak of your loving grace to others and for them to know how awesome you are I pray for the lost as well as the found to continue their journey to you thank you lord for whom you are and for hearing my prayers each and every day that I spend with you Amen

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