Healing Of Relationship

by Bry ()

I have a neighbor, 3 doors down the hall from me, who announced 4 years ago, that she was Ima (Mother) to me. This was over 4 years ago now. Somehow, she’s got the idea that this gives her permission to scream at me, order me around and Shame me. She became angry when I set some boundaries, believing that I don’t accept her. It’s only the behavior I don’t accept, it triggers my (C) PTSD! She is a Believer in Jesus Christ and my Pastors Mother In Law. I love her , truly, as though she was my Mother. We need prayers for a Healthy Relationship and Healing from everything that caused us to be the way we are.
She’s coming home from Hospital in a few days, after being treated for a blood clot in her right lung. I want to be there for her but I don’t know if she’ll allow it! I love her and I’m hurting! Thank You!

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