Work related

by Shirley ()

Please be praying. I was at a meeting last week and said something the raised a red flag about work travel. I think I said that after I complete a round trip for business I have to return to the office to get paid for the mileage. Well they took it differently like I was doing it to pad a pay check. Not sure why . They are doing an audit on paychecks and mileage comparing everything back to a year. My director is not taking my aide I have no one backing me I have worked for a 14 years I did not commit any fraud that is what was told to me. They are still auditing everyone and it has been a week now . My nerves are shot and it is making me sick. I know I did not do this. I feel they took it out of contents. I am 58 years old have an AA degree. I don’t want to start over. I pray that they will not find anything that they think find nothing on my records and life will move on like it never happened.

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