Healing and Restoration

by Leslie ()

I am in need of help for a broken heart. When my ex-husband and I separated and divorced over 20 years ago, apparently my three children divorced me also. While not a perfect mother, I tried hard to make amends by trying to discuss issues with them, apologizing and asking forgiveness, but all to no avail. Polite to my face, they ignore me most of the year. My younger daughter just got married but she and her sister did all the wedding planning, I was not included. This is just one small example of the rejection I face daily. Most people will judge me as the villain, since how can children reject their mother unless there’s a good reason? But their father won them over because he had the money and also during the marriage, showed little respect or kindness to me unless it served his purposes. I will also state that I was born Jewish, married a Jewish man, and didn’t convert until after the marriage. I’m sure that’s a factor, as I have been specifically told by my older daughter that she doesn’t talk to me because “Jesus stands between us”. I have done my best to curb behavior that they find distasteful, but there is no forgiveness, only judgment and rejection. I am at the point of walking away from them emotionally – they are no longer the children I raised but adults making their own choices (ages 41, 38 and 36). I still love them and pray for their wellbeing and salvation every day. But the pain of the rejection is so intense I have no words. Thank you for reading this and for your prayers, it’s so hard for me to talk to anyone about this without breaking down. God has promised good for me, and while I’m waiting, I need to rebuild my life around Him.

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