
by CONNIE ()

Heavenly Father in Jesus name I pray. Dear Lord you’ve brought her through before. Life isn’t easy. I pray that You will quickly intervene now. Today is the anniversary of the death of her friend. Two years have passed. Despite all odds, she made it, she graduated with her Master’s degree. Her friends suicide took it’s toll on her and will perhaps linger in her life forever. But she’s strong and she can overcome anything. I pray that You will clear her path. The employment situation right now is very strange. We don’t know if she is going to have the opportunities that were perhaps falsely presented to her. We need Your help. I can’t understand why she has to go through this. I feel like her pain is my pain. She needs employment and clients and money. She’s never been a privileged rich kid, yet to others it may seem that way. She’s had to work and toil for every accomplishment that she’s earned, single handedly..with an aloof father and a distant family. I tried my best but I avoid conflict and I shut down because of fear of others anger..I give in and I become the yes man. Dear Lord there is nothing or no one more precious than You. I love You and I realize your presence in everything in my life. There are dark nights but I look forward to the mornings when hope and joy become new. Because of you and your love for us. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.

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