
by Tresila ()

Dear God, I come to you yet again. Please God, HAVE MERCY on me!!! I can’t take anymore negative things happening in my life right now. Please let the doctor get all the skin cancer from underneath my eye with minimal cutting and let my CT SCAN go well and help the doctors to figure out the source and a cure that will work for me for all this excessive fluid retention. Thank you for improving my blood pressure and help it continue to improve, help my anxiety that’s bothering me some lately due to everything going on.
Please lead and guide my young daughter to a local full time job with a good Christian boss and co-workers as she graduates college next weekend with the highest honors. Please keep her safe and healthy and help her to always have good health insurance, please send her a good, moral, friend with work ethic that isn’t jealous of her. She’s fortunate to have one already, but it would be nice if she could have one more. Please let her seek your guidance in everything in her life. Please let my husband feel better and get his body to adjust to these 2 new insulins and to talk better to me and our daughter. I never dreamed he would talk to me (and her sometimes) the way he does. Please don’t let the mass near my Dad’s liver be cancer, keep Mom strong and well, and please help our close friend to recuperate fully and quickly from his stroke and heart attack. Help our finances, as the prices of groceries, medicines, and everything continue to rise . God, bring our government to lower these prices for everyone’s sake and make medical care affordable again. Help America to be good again! All this I ask and pray in thy Most Holy Name. Amen

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