
by Stephanie ()

Heavenly Father I come to you broken and poor in spirit. I met the love of my life in March of 1986. He is in my heart my Soulmate. At one time we were inseparable and very close. But the world around us, life, trials, unbelieving friends the live in the world and for world have influenced our marriage. Shattered dreams and unmet expectations have pulled us so far apart that even though we truly love each other and can’t see life without each other, we live together in pain and sadness. I know God your word says that even though we were both unbelievers at one time when we married and now one is a believer that the believer covers the unbeliever by the holy spirit. Heavenly Father even though I gave my life to you and I am seeking you, my walk by Faith is weak. I dont feel your holy spirit in me and I don’t hear you when I cry out for you. I gave you my life, my marriage, my everything and I repented of being married sinfully and not the way you wanted us to be married. I ask for repentance and give you my life, my husband and our marriage. I pray for a pure heart and for the holy spirit to live in me. I rebuke the devil and his evil spirit from my life, my home, my family and my marriage. I ask for you god to touch my husband with your holy spirit soften his heart and mine. Reach my husband unreached areas and put right circle of friends in his life that will help lead him to you. Watch over my marriage, my husband and my family. Bring peace, joy and healing to what has been broken for so very long. God I need your help, I need healing. I need my husband as much as you do. Bring intimacy back into this marriage. Remove hearden hearts, help me and John to find the love we had for each other when we fell in love. Heal the broken relationship John has with our daughter that has been shattered for a long long time. Heal our daughters broken heart and open doors for her to find true godly friends that she can trust and have for a life time that won’t use her and break her heart anymore. Open doors for Jordan to find true love that you had for her when you planned her life. Bring us back together as a family with unity and God centered foundation that wont sink like sand. I ask you lead me, John and our daughter. In Jesus Christ name, Amen

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