I just want to say thank you to the Lord from the bottom of my heart. Thanks for answered prayers. Thanks for putting myself and my family in a better financial position, thanks for a new home and thanks for job opportunities. God often put us through difficult times in order to test us during those storms. However, when he comes through and bless us, he test us and see if we remember him during our great times. So, my prayer is not to ask anything but to express my gratitude. With this gratitude and feeling of happiness, I open myself to bigger opportunities and blessings, Lord. You are amazing. People, if you are going to a difficult time, hold on to God. Please go watch this YouTube video (MarcTheMessenger: 7 Signs God is preparing you to receive his blessings) , which really inspired me when I went through tough times and see how you are in the middle of getting answered prayers. It’s just a matter of having faith and waiting on God’s timing, not ours.