Dear God,As you know I am in recovery and drinking tea hans been helping me with that.So why isit that after staff from my temporary homeless supported provider have been in my kitchen near my teabags and I have drunk a mug of tea,like today,that I am getting a bad headache in reaction to drinking a mug of that tea? My housing support worker has done and said things too indicate that she wants to undermine me. I can’t trust these people but the be housing manager said it was time for me to move out and on into an unsupported privately rented or council place,there is nothing normally wrong with me to keep me in supported accommodation,it’s just that I got physically ill with respiratory tract infection and that is what I am having to make myself better from because the NHS won’t help me.Get me well and help me to get somewhere else to live please Lord Jesus in within the next 3 months so I don’t get undermined or stuck in supported accomodations because of someone’s political agenda.Amen.
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