The Morris family has for about 2 years give or take, been attacking my family & me spiritually. They attend church each week, & claim to love God more than they love their lives but, when they think no one can see them, they commit real ungodly acts of witchcraft. Every time my family is nice to them, prays for them or is helpful to them, the mother always gets jealous & attacks my family out of spite. She is a very envious person & she has so much hate & anger in her heart, she doesn’t listen to reason when confronted & is very, very good at being deceitful. Her daughters also do witchcraft due to the mother teaching them. Her daughters have sexually assaulted me regularly via witchcraft. I haven’t done anything to this family to deserve how evil they have treated me & my family, I’m sick of being hurt by people we’re good too. She is a very malicious woman, Christian is the last thing I think of where she & her whole family are concerned. I can say in all honesty I have never in my life ever met a family as ungodly as this one. & I have met many who were witches & devil worshippers. Please pray that God puts a stop to them ever cursing another living thing on the earth ever again, Eph 5 v 11 have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness but rather expose & reprove them. Pray they are held accountable for their actions. Every member of their family practices witchcraft & is deep into it, please help.
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