Dear God
I need prayers answered now. I need prayers answered now to see left eye. I need healing and miracle now left eye to see now. I have Keratoconus left eye 18 years now. I can’t see left eye. I have blured vision left eye. I need to be healed and miracle now left eye. I need prayers
answered now also no more learning and developmental disabillties. I am 48 years old. I have learning and developomental disabillites my whole life now. I am disabed. I need my prayers answered now no more learning and developmental disabillites. I need prayers answered now also to go back to Great Neck and have a one or two bedroom apartment in Great Neck. I never had my own place. I lived in a Group Home in 2000. I lived in a Group home in Great Neck with 10 people. I did have my own room, but lots of people and different personlties. In 2002, I lived in a one bedroom apartment with a roommate in Hicksville, New York. He wasn’t nice and bossy. I live in Great Neck in a house for over 40 years with my mom, sister and dad. My sister got married in 2007 and moved to Suffolk County condo apartment. My dad passed away in 2017.
He died from eating Chicken and wasn’t cooked properly. He got food poisoning and sudden death. It was unexpected and wasn’t a shock. He died and was a great dad and we miss him very much. I live with my mom, sister and brother in law now in a 55 and older community. I need to have my own apartment. I want to move back to Great Neck and live on Grace Avenue. I miss living in Great Neck. I need my prays answered now to have my own apartment. I live in a group home and apartment with a roommate in 2000 and 2002. It was an agency called ACLD.
They have group homes and apartments in Nassau and Suffolk County Long Island. They have apartment with or without roommates. I know people in Great Neck who have disabillites have their own apartments in Great Neck. I never had my own place. I need my prayers answered now and have my own place and I want to live on Grace Avenue in Great Neck. I want to be independent and do things on my own. I need healing and miracles now. I need healing, miracles and prayers answered now to have normal vision left eye. I need healing and miracle and prayers answered now also no more learning and development disabillites. I need miracles now to have my own apartment in Great Neck one or two bedroom apartment. I need money and miracles now and Angel now. I need my prayers answered now. Pray for my mom, sister, brother in law and myself for good health and no health problems. No diseases in life never and no diseases in life either for my family never. No diseases in life never and no diseases in life either for my family never. I am 48 years old. I never had a girlfriend and never married. I never went to college. I miss out of lots of things. I need healing, miracles and prayers answered now Amen.
I need this to happen for me now and God and angel or something, I need prays, healing and miracles now Amen.
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