I am 39, and by the grace of God, finally able to see that I have the opportunity to learn from my mistakes of poor choices, and have the opportunity to make the next half of my life spectacular.
My kids are in state custody. I am housed in a DV shelter and battling addiction to drugs and other issues. I want to work, I can work. I want to humble myself before God and ask for an opportunity to make clean money, by getting my hands dirty. I would love to be a living testimony to my friends still in addiction that hope and life are wonderful and I enjoy being sober because I am able to use the skills I have to do good for the community. I will no longer worship people places things and numbing myself. I will take ownership of the broken pieces I am made up of and put in some elbow grease to bind my broken pieces into one hell of a brick house. I am strong. I am powerful. I am a believer that Jesus christ already paid my dept. he took my pain. I want to help others see the light when its dark. By seeing me rise up from being addicted, homeless and with out my kids, to a stable, sober ambassador for life to get better, one choice at a time. I ask God to provide me with an opportunity to work for my life. to be healthy in my mind body and spirt and for my needs to be provided .