Lord, please help put my mind to rest and enable me to have perfect peace that surpasses all understanding. Please guard my heart and mind. Forgive me for all self-limitation that I put on myself with regrets about the past times I used to practice masturbation and pornography please and the scrupulous pacts I made to stop thinking I could do it all alone. Please help me to accept and receive your grace. Please help me to overcome all worry and regret and to stop agonizing over whatever role these fears played in me not becoming valedictorian two years ago and not earning perfect A grades. I ask that as you help me improve and get better I will not be envious or jealous of my fellows and I will not hate myself for limiting myself in bad thought patterns or wrong health choices in the past. Please help me to be confident and to know who you say I am Father. Let me experience mighty testimonies this semester with my grades, learning, performance, and internship search so I can be a living example of Psalm 119:99 and I can be blessed on every side and help provide for my family. In Jesus’ name, Amen
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