
by James ()

Dear Lord please continue to Bless us. Dear Lord please continue to let the Holy Spirit fill us with Your Grace . Dear Lord please forgive us for our sins as we are not perfect. Dear Lord I Pray for all people who are lost and need to see the Truth. Dear Lord Thank You for my family , friends , animals , my Mom , Allison , Jasmine , Dori , Elmer , Charlie , Moo , Little Man , Kitty (Otis) , and all others. Dear Lord I Pray for all people and all living things that today is a great stress free day at their , jobs , homes , schools , or wherever they may be. Dear Lord I Pray for all the people I speak with who are lost , lonely , struggling , and all those who aren’t as well. Dear Lord I Pray for all people and all living things. Dear Lord please forgive me for any sins I have committed . Dear Lord I Pray anyone I have spoke with or made contact with understands I would never try and be rude to them. Dear Lord I Pray for all people and all living things. Dear Lord I Pray this all in the Lord Almighty’s Name. Dear Lord
Thank You for answering my Prayers as you do . Thank You for all You do for me. Please somehow if You can give me a sign that I’m doing the right thing it would be helpful as well as I got so much going on in my mind that I never know which way to go at times . I give myself to You my Lord . I put all my trust in you. Please take control and I will follow you as I have. I need a sign so bad today my Lord. I also wanted to tell the lady from work sorry if I came off rude to her but don’t want to have to initiate a message again at this time. Dear Lord I Pray this all in Your Almighty Name Lord. Thank You Jesus for all You have done and Thank You Jesus for all You have given to us and for us. Amen.

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