I don’t mean this to come out negative by any means, but I am asking for prayers. I need the strength to continue doing what I am doing. I help my wife with a lot as she is disabled and is still in the appeal process with the Social Security Administration. With that said, she is unable to help her mother (who is also disabled) like she used to and it seems like it’s up to me to do more of the physical help now. I worry about my own mother who is still active but she’s not much younger than my mother-in-law and is in remission from melanoma. I am still okay physically, but mentally and emotionally I feel exhausted. I suffer from anxiety, depression, and have some health issues of my own. I was recently promoted at my full-time job a couple months ago. There doesn’t seem to be any other family support. I am concerned about how much longer I could continue doing what I could because it’s taken a toll on me and it doesn’t feel like anyone understands. I am requesting and appreciative of any prayers for strength to carry on and the possibility of more assistance in the very near future. Thank you and God bless you.
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