dear Father God Jesus Christ. we glorify and praise You. we are grateful for You. we are grateful for Your love and kindness for us. we are grateful for answered prayers. we are grateful for our lives, every breath we take, grateful for taking care of us. for forgiving us our sins and dying for our sins. please cleanse our hearts. i am grateful for giving me my darling husband virgilio for the love we share the blessed life together the happiness the whole him. i am grateful that he is enfolded in your embrace happy with salvation and eternal life and daddy. thank you for taking care of both of them. i continuously and fervently pray to You to give me back my husband please let him come back to me. please hear our prayers spoken and unspoken. please let all Your creation seek and find You so peace and love will spread in all your creation, thank you for keeping mommy and i safe and please keep us all safe in our travels. take care of our whole families relatives friends neighbors and churches. thank You our Father Christ Jesus. in the name of the most high Jesus Christ the Almighty Father, we pray all these, Amen