How to pray

by Jackie ()

I found this article and I never thought about anyone else not knowing how to pray. I long to be able to pray from within using the right prayer language and to be filled so spiritually from within and know that I am where I need to be with God and feel His power and have the discernment of the Holy Ghost. I have been asked to pray for someone and I feel so stupid for even asking but I don’t even know what to pray or how to pray so please pray for me to have faith and that God will give me what I need to feel His presence and be able to lay hands on someone when I am called on or just when I even meet with someone that needs prayer that I have more of God and less of me and will be able to pray freely according to the will of God. I hope this is worded correctly to help someone understand what I’m asking. I need more wisdom and He said all we had to do is ask so I’m reaching out for help.

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