A New Begining

by Ree ()

Heavenly Father,

I trust You in every way and I know that You have greater in store for me. Thank You for all that You have given me in order to be successful in my current position and I thank You in advance for the doors that you are getting ready to open that no man can shut. Give me spiritual wisdom and discernment so that I will know and that I am making decisions according to Your will, thank You that You are always with me and nothing can separate me from Your love. Thank You for my first finished book and I am an author now and thank You for the next of what You have in story for me, deliver me from financial distress, open up the windows of heaven and pour out Your blessing Lord and give me the wisdom to become a better steward over what You have already given and what is on the way, give me godly relationships in my life and give me a godly financial advisor that will guide me in handling what is coming forth in my brand. In Jesus Name. Amen.

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