Presidential Prayer

This is a presidential prayer. No matter one’s political leanings, it is important to pray for God to guide our leaders and help them see the correct path.

Prayer for the President

Almighty God, Blessed and Wonderful Savior,
Omnipresent Holy Spirit, Whose glory is in all the world,
We commend this nation to your compassionate and merciful
As we are guided by you providence, may we dwell secure in
your peace.

Grant to President Barack Obama your wisdom and strength
to know and do your will and do walk a righteous path in
Your name’s sake.

Fill President Obama with the love of truth and
righteousness. Give him the strength and endurance
to prevail in his most difficult tasks.

Make him ever mindful of his call to serve the American
people and to achieve harmony with all peoples of the world.
In the name of the Wonderful Father, Most Beloved and
Precious Son, and Omnipresent Holy Spirit upon whom we
can rely and from whom we draw our strength and faith.

Glory be to God in the Highest!

