Provision and break through

by Samson ()

Heavenly Father, Jehovah God. I thank you for giving me life, wisdom to know you and my beautiful wife and my three children.
Dear lord I pray that you grant me victory over everything that is going through in my life. Might God, every plan and everything I try fails and IAM now in deep financial crisis to the point that lord I don’t have anything to do to get it to my business. Now my hope is only in you Jehovah God.
Fill my cup now dear lord and provide me with your goodness. Am really sorry for forgetting how good you have been to me in the past. Just as you provided a Lamb to Abraham for him to sacrifice, might God to it me now. My wife is at school and I have failed to pay for her school Jehovah God. Make it possible for to be able to pay for her and pay everyone I owe and to be able to fulfill all the financial pledges I have made towards church building. Helpe God

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