Healing and curing of my mother’s cancer

by Riya ()

This prayer request is for my mother Mrs. TULTULI BISWAS, who is a last stage cancer patient. Her cancer started in the uterus and has spread to her liver and lungs. She had her first chemo session in mid august and her health has since deteriorated. Currently she is bed ridden, unable to talk or move and seemingly is in pain for most of the day.
We as her family are extremely worried for her and are trying our level best to make her health better. At the time when she was physically ill but still not diagnosed with cancer she had with tears in her eyes expressed her deep desire to live and live long. Little did we know back then that she would be fighting for her life one day.
I earnestly request you to heal and cure her through your prayers and positive vibrations. As her daughter I won’t leave any stone unturned to bring her back to health and vitality and seek your help and God almighty’s intervention in this matter. Please please help us.
She is a most loving soul and someone who loves to laugh and be happy. Watching her writhing in pain is unbearable for us but we strongly believe God will not disappoint us.
If God is so kind as to heal my mother I will surely post our testimony and tell as many people as we can.
May God bless all.
Thank you!

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