Heavenly Father, I come humbly to Your throne of grace, to give You all the Honor, Glory, and Praise. I confess and repent of my sins known and unknown. I ask for Your forgiveness and I forgive myself. Please blot out all of my transgressions and iniquities in Jesus name. I cover myself and my husband with with Your blood from the crown of our heads to the souls of our feet. Father I come to You to ask according to Your will, to bless Anthony and I with a healthy baby girl. You already know that I had my tubes tied in 1999 but I know according to Your word that You are able to do exceeding, abundantly above all that I can ever think according to the power that works within me. Their isn’t anything that is too hard for You. I’m asking You to work a miracle my Lord. You are my healer and I decree and declare that it’s done in Jesus name. You said to call those things that be not as though they were. As I place my hand on my womb, I ask for Your healing in Jesus name. I also cover every couple who is trying to conceive in this prayer. Thank You Father. I ask all this according to Your will for me and my husband Anthony’s life, Jesus name Amen.
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