Prayer to get out of debt

by Francis (Cameroon)

Oh lord, I am heavily indebted through my own fault. I am so sorry for all that I have done and for not listening to you.

I got into a marriage without listening to the people whom you sent to talk to me. Now I am 20 thousand dollars below the line after 5 years of marriage.

Oh lord, help those who are married and happily so, to understand that you, and only you are the rource of their happiness.

Lord, help me just break even. No excess of riches do I ask. I just want to pay my debts because my deadlines are December 15, 2010 and January 10, 2011.

My lips shall sing your praise for ever.

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208 comments for “Prayer to get out of debt”

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  1. Please Let Me Be Free Of Debt

    I come to you to ask for your help. I know you are a loving and kind G-D.
    Please let me be financially debt free. I owe so much in student loans that I feel I will never overcome it. I also owe others who have helped me and I want to pay them back for their kindness to me.
    Right now my sister is in debt because she helped me and I need to help her get out of this.
    Please let prosperity come to me now. I am not a greedy person and I know money will not solve all my problems but it will let me sleep easier at night.
    Please let me be a lender and no longer a borrower and please let it be this month.
    I thank you for all you do for me and for blessing me.

  2. Help to get out of debt

    Father in heaven, forgive me for getting into debt, for relying on credit rather than your goodness and mercy. Help me to get out of debt, help me to pay all my bills. Keep the creditors away. Lord I have no where to turn to. Please help me to get out of this insurmountable debt. Only with you help can I be an overcomer. I thank you for your provision, i thank you for your mercy and goodness. I thank you that you never leave me nor forsake me. Help me Father, Help me to get out of debt. Amen

  3. Pray to get out of debt.

    Father, please help me get out of debt. I am a single mother. I need a new car and lots of bills to pay. Please stand in agreement and pray for me. God please bless me with a Godly husband who is a great provider, handsome, faithful, honest, great cook, and funny in the name of Jesus’. I pray. Amen.

  4. I wanna live debt free

    Dear lord I wanna live debt free lord I have 3 cars in my name and I am drowning in credit card debt I ask for forgiveness for my sinful prideful ways lord I only have you and my mother to turn to in my darkest hour god I pray that you have mercy on me lord and help me get out of all three of these car notes with out filing for bankruptcy lord and I thank you for the loving mother that you blessed me with lord and forgive me for disappointing her and you as well as myself lord for I am truly ashamed but thank you for this lesson lord bc it could be worse. I pray for guidance to get out of this situation and to never be in this situation again.

  5. In need of prayers

    Please pray for me and my family….We need help, so much debt I can’t breathe.I don’t even know how to begin to get out of it.

  6. prayer to get out of debt

    Lord nothing is impossible to you. Please deliver me and my daughter from the bondage of debts. Everyday is struggle to look for money to meet the day’s due. Our debts have surmounted becoz of too high an interest. My daughter ang myself suffer stress abd afraid for we could no longer meet our dues. We make alibis abd lies oftentimes. Please Lord look on us in this suffering that we live a stress free life. We ask forgiveness for this mess i have made. Please give me a chance. Thank you Lord God for your continuos provisions in our lives. Amen!


    Lord Jesus,
    I ask for your forgiveness for the things I done and decisions I made in my life without you, now i know everything goes wrong if I rely only on my own strength and knowledge, Lord , I am in neck deep debt I dont know what to do banks are calling me every day and it is very stressful they always threaten me that they will file a case against me, Lord I believe you alone can set me free I know you are not deaf into my cry and I believe you love me and you never let me down, Lord thank you in advance for the best answer to my prayer, To God be the Glory and Honor..

  8. Prayer for financial assistance to get out of debt

    Please Lord I come before you with a heavy heart. I am a hard worker but all my businesses are not doing well. I trusted some business partners who have let me down and now i am left with a huge debt. I have put all my trust in you and I ask for a miracle to clear the debt as soon as possible. I have lost my car but Lord I know that one day you will give me a better car. I pray for all those in a similiar situation. Lord hear our prayers. Amen

  9. Freedom from Debt

    Lord Jesus,
    I asked your forgiveness for the things we done and decisions we made in our life without you, now we know everything went wrong if we rely only on our own strength and knowledge, Lord we are in neck deep debt we dont know what to do banks are calling us every day and it is very stressful they always threath us that they will file a case againts us, Lord I believe you alone can set us free I know you are not deaf into my cry and I believe you love us and you never let us down, Lord thank you in advance for the best answer to my prayer, To God be the Glory and Honor..

  10. get out of big debt

    pls pray for me that i can out of this big dept…especially the partial of lot that we get thier is very big balance..pls help me to pray….

  11. get out of big debt

    pls pray for me that i can out of this big dept…especially the partial of lot that we get thier is very big balance..pls help me to pray….

  12. Dept Prayer

    Oh Lord please help me to get out of debt,I’m struggling financial please God help me and I know I done lot of things wrong please forgive me all ma sins I pray unto you my Lord. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.


  13. Prayer to get money to pay my faulty debt

    Lord Jesus forgive me all of my sins,I know it is my fault that has brought this debt.God I am in state of dying,thinking and verge of committing suicide because peoples are suffering because of my debt I want you to open financial breakthrough for me to pay my debt else will die.I can’t sleep nor eat,God open heaven doors for meal and let me see your glory in the name of Jesus I pray Amen.

  14. Needs Gods Help

    I a so far in Debt and been playing the Lottery to pay all of my Delinquent Loans. So far God has not helped for some reason. I lost my car because they increased my payment and I could not afford it.
    The only way out of this Financial mess is with Gods help.
    I pray very day asking for Gods help, but for some reason my prayers has not yet been answered.
    I will not will not give up.
    All is ask is for you to pray for me.

  15. To get out of the debt completely

    Oh my god pos help me i need settle my debt Quickly. Pla help me. Im in great Deep debt problem help to solve it. Tq

  16. Relief from debts

    God, i am under tremendous pressure thinking about the huge debts my family is holding. Dear Lord, please help us to go through this tough situation and will be in a peaceful life within this Year ends. This is really required as when we come to your heavenly land, we should be a position to tell that we have done our part, we have cleared all our Debts and we are free to go to Heavenly altar.
    Let all these prayers are in the name of Jesus..Ameen.

  17. That each of our prayers are answered

    I have a prayer request up here too. Would like to add 1 little thing in Jesus name: Please Lord help me to lay down my debt, bills, pain issues at night so I may sleep more than 4 hours a day.
    Lord I ask you please for each of us here to help us clear our plates of debt, to help our stress levels as owing money and not having for medicines, to fix car, food, clothing is a heavy burden. We may have incurred this debt willingly but at some point we need a little help from you to start lowering debt.
    I thank you for the many things I do have, I’m able to take care of myself, walk, drive, talk, have all my limbs and it keeps on going. Just money is almost impossible to find for things that are necessary for life to continue.
    Please hear my prayer and find ways to help each of us and for us to help ourselves. πŸ™‚
    Thank you Jesus,

  18. getting out of huge debt

    O Jesus, my hope and trust is built on you because you have done better things to me in my life even though I am a sinner. Here I am in another problem of huge debt due to bad business decisions for the past three years and my creditors are tormenting me.My saviour and my God, please come to my rescue before the 9th of September which is the deadline to pay off the loans. I believe that l can get over this problem only with the help of God..So, O God have mercy on me. Let your mercy speak for me and let your divine favour locate me now in Jesus name.Amen.

  19. getting out of huge debt

    O Jesus, my hope and trust is built on you because you have done better things to me in my life even though I am a sinner. Here I am in another problem of huge debt due to bad business decisions for the past three years and my creditors are tormenting me.My saviour and my God, please come to my rescue before the 9th of September which is the deadline to pay off the loans. I believe that l can get over this problem only with the help of God..So, O God have mercy on me. Let your mercy speak for me and let your divine favour locate me now in Jesus name.Amen.

  20. debt relief, medical money, prescription money, patch car so it drives

    I’m in debt 10K, medical bills, insulin and other meds I cannot afford, car falling to pieces. The stress I’m under is killing me. I pray every night to just not wake up anymore. πŸ™
    I kinow God is not my personal bank, but without money life is so hard. I have panic attacks when bills arrive, afraid to go to hospital and Dr.
    I wish God would hear at least 1 of my prayers and help me as I’m to far down to pull myself out anymore. πŸ™
    Thanks for listening.
    Claen/sober 11 years and somedays I just wish I could let it go and get drunk and maybe die..

  21. Have not received any help from praying

    My prayer is still in the list. Nothing improved. I did lose my car and did not pay anything off of all my Debts. I do not know what to do. I pray I ask in Jesus Name nothing improves. Now I need money to get my teeth fixed. Two are broke off and one is very loose. What do I do.God is not listening for some reason.

    I do not think I have sinned.
    I need money now I am sick and tired of God not helping me. I want my life to improve and it has not for over 25 years. That is a long time for waiting for God to help me.
    What do I do, I am getting to the point where I am thinking to put my life to an end. I would go to hell but I would not have any debts.

  22. to be debt freep

    please lord I need ur help I’m in so much debt and I need ur help to get out

  23. help me God

    I have a huge debt. Please help me get out of this by providing me an income to pay all of my debts. I have a sick child who need her medicine. I have to pay back the educational loan of my children. i just need customers at my business for it is not earning. I need it to function again my business. Please help me to have more customers so I can pay my debts. Thank you God.

  24. Help

    I have debt that is overwhelming me…. I know I can not get it off it without God. Please help me.

  25. I need more than a prayer. I need a helping hand.

    I am so indebted that emaciates me. I have less than a week now to clear a debt of equivalently $1000 and there seem to be no way of reaching for the fund in clearing it. Please, I am slowly dying. I need your prayers as well, assistance.

  26. Praise God

    Lord I pray you hear the people on this site and bless them and their families. I am indeed grateful for the miracles you bring. Thank you for your mercy and forgiveness of my sins. Father please wash away my past and current debts with the blood of Jesus. Please guide me and help me take care of my family. I do not ask for excess other than to help others in need. I work hard Lord and try to live by your word. I want to know you Father and read devotionals daily. Your will be done and thank you for answering my prayers. In Jesus’s name Amen

  27. pray to clear my debt and for finance to improve

    I am sorry lord for all the debt I am in please help me lord to pay them off also help us financial. To solve all our problems and procedure. Which involves lot of money . Thank you lord praise you lord amen

  28. dept free

    lord i thank you for all you have done for me and my family,i am so sorry for not waiting to hear from you before i made so many wrong decisions but you are faithfully and you promise you can not tempt us more than we can bear,lord pls i need to clear this dept that has been weighing me down ,the banks and companies are on my neck which you already know ,pl seas intercede for me to clear this dept that stood at $11,000 in JESUS NAME

  29. financial help

    Lord I pray in the name of Jesus. I hope someone out there can help me pray out of this situation. I a! In debt that I thought I could manage. I am a mother of 2. I can’t afford to pay my loans and other things. Lord I just need R50 000 to pay off my debt and be able to afford a decent place to stay. I now stay with my children in a house that is infested with cockroaches and rats. I struggle to sleep because I want to protect them from this crawling creatures. P!ease Lord I have learnt my lesson. You are able to do exceedingly and abudantly above. Oh that You may have mercy in my situation today. In Jesus name I pray

  30. Prayers for College debt relief

    Dear Lord, I pray for financial help. I feel overwhelmed by the amount of college debt that I have accumulated. I decided to go back to college after my children were born. I thought I was doing something great for my family. Unfortunately, I now wonder if it was the worst thing that I could’ve done. I owe over $70,000 in federal student loans. I’m told that my family can afford to pay $700-$800 a month for my student loans. We do not have the funds to cover this monthly payment. I’ve done a substantial amount of research, and I’m at lost on what to do. The more money that I make each year, the more money they think that I can afford. My children are going to be attending college themselves in a few years, but I’m still going to be paying for my own. I feel selfish for going back to school now. I love the field that I’m in because I’m helping others. Please help me find the answers that I need and financial relief. -Amen

  31. Prayer to help with debt accumulated

    Dear Lord
    Forgive me for my sins and all the mistakes I have made. I am truly grateful for everything I have. My problem is I am constantly helping others to see they don’t go without. This has put a very stressful financial burden on me. I am praying for those who I have helped to become more self reliant and not have to seek help elsewhere and burden others.
    I pray my financial situation will improve soon as I have accumulated debt which I am now struggling to keep ahead of. Blessings to my family and those in need for good health, daily provisions and daily protection.


    Oh Lord,I Kneel Before you.Please hear my prayers.Have Got into huge debts because of my earlier mistakes.Please i need your miracle to come out of this and bless my money to see the value of them.Have worked for years but have nothing to celebrate at the month.God graciously hear me.Amen



  34. Prayer for financial stress

    O God i present myself before you as a sinner, forgive me of all my sins. I owe a huge amount of money to debt due to my own fault. I have failed within myself .I have lost my car Lord pardon me and take me out of this situation, i have learnt from my mistakes and i am ready to change. The problem has affected me in all aspect, my relationship my motherly hood only you can help me out of this my Lord, i lay my trust in you, you said knock and the door shall be open, seek and you shall be given. I am knocking Lord please open the door and answer me. I am not asking for excess, i am asking for just what i owe to pay and have peace and harmony in my home again.

    Thank You Lord for answering my prayer
    In Jesus Mighty name i pray

  35. $100 000 mountain of debt

    i am overly committed to banks,money lenders to about $120 000 which is chocking me and preventing myself to live.

    God i pray for devine intervention not only for myself but other who are made slaves by the lenders. i pray for breaking all the chains of bondage that the devils is using to hold me against him and forgiveness to all that owe me.

  36. Prayer for debt cancellation

    O God i present myself before you as a sinner, forgive me of all my sins. I owe a huge debt of 5.400 000 frs CFA due to my own fault. I did not listen to you, i thought i could do things for myself but it has failed me. Lord pardon me and take me out of this situation, i have learn from my mistakes and i am ready to change. The problem has affected me in all aspect, my relationship is crumbly because i cannot support my fiancé, my children are suffering , i cannot complete my sons fees, i cant pay my bills. Lord only you can help me out of this, i lay my trust in you, you said knock and the door shall be open, seek and you shall be given. I am knocking Lord please open the door and answer me. I am not asking for excess, i am asking for just what i owe to pay and have peace.

    Thank You Lord for answering my prayer
    In Jesus Mighty name i pray

  37. Prayer for help to catch up and relieve financial stress

    Dear Lord, I am seriously past due on bills and in debt through my own fault and selfishness. I mae bad decisions and I have caused financial stress to my husband, mother in-law, mother and myself. I am not being able to be the wife and mother I should be due to the stress.

    Lord help me please to catch up on my past due bills and pay off debt I owe. I am not asking for excess money for materialistic items. I just want to pay off past bills so we can stop getting calls and follow a budget – not dip into the next pay check before it arrives. I am asking for enough money to pay off a bill which cause stress on my mother, pay off my mother in-law, and my father so they are not stressed.

    Lord, I will be ever in your praise and do my utmost to sing your praises to others.

    In your name, I pray. Amen

  38. only 1 real debt

    dear god, I am in massive debt but I care not if I pay them and I know you feel the same, I am blessed because I can not only see why we need jesus who yu kindly gave to us for everlasting life, I feel a love and passion for all things good. giving most of the world nothing and tricking them into debt and slavery does not impress you. you are all that matters and the only debt that matters is my debt to you for giving me life and my choice to decide for myself ,thank you I love you amen

  39. Lord, help me pull out from debt pool Lord.

    Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. 8 For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened. Matt:7:7-8

    The Verse give me strength Lord, Lord I m humbly knocking your heaven door Lord.

    Please open heaven windows Lord, any save me Lord.

    I begging Lord, please help me pull out from deep debt pool Lord.

    Please help me protect my family lord,

    In the Jesus I prayed. Amen

  40. Lord, help me pull out from debt pool Lord.

    Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. 8 For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened. Matt:7:7-8

    The Verse give me strength Lord, Lord I m humbly knocking your heaven door Lord.

    Please open heaven windows Lord, any save me Lord.

    I begging Lord, please help me pull out from deep debt pool Lord.

    Please help me protect my family lord,

    In the Jesus I prayed. Amen

  41. Please pray for me

    Dear Lord

    You know that I had no money problems until I got married. You know I was told not to marry her. but did not listen. You know what I went thru just to have a baby.
    Then after seven years she got her Divorce that just tore me apart.
    Paying child support and alimony did not help my finances.
    I adopted her two children so I had to pay on three.
    Since then I have been in financial trouble always borrowing brothers me to this day. I still have financial trouble and I am about to lose my car. I pray every day for my life to improve but it just gets worse. I do not know what God wants. My life is horrible. I have so many loans that I cannot pay. I just do not know what God wants from me. I need $300000.00 for my bills , the money I owe my dad, brother and to help my daughter.

  42. Please pray for me

    Dear Lord

    You know that I had no money problems until I got married. You know I was told not to marry her. but did not listen. You know what I went thru just to have a baby.
    Then after seven years she got her Divorce that just tore me apart.
    Paying child support and alimony did not help my finances.
    I adopted her two children so I had to pay on three.
    Since then I have been in financial trouble always borrowing brothers me to this day. I still have financial trouble and I am about to lose my car. I pray every day for my life to improve but it just gets worse. I do not know what God wants. My life is horrible. I have so many loans that I cannot pay. I just do not know what God wants from me. I need $300000.00 for my bills , the money I owe my dad, brother and to help my daughter.

  43. Prayer for financial breakthrough

    Fatjer in the name of Jesus I asked for uour blessings in my financial life as well as my personal life.

  44. prayer to get out of debts

    Dear Lord Jesus Christ pls help me out in this situation now iΓ’β‚¬Λœm facing lots of loan and cannot pays anymore..pls.Lord bless me and mey familyu me to find my aunt and let her give my inherited money so i can pay all my loans..pls.set me free Jesus name..Amenl

  45. Heavenly Father

    Heavenly Father,

    Please forgive me for as i am a sinner. Please help me to get out my debts as i am sinking into debts. Please Lord, it very hard for me to get out of this. I know without your help i cannot come out of this.. Please help me to come out of this as it is huge burden for me . I am having sleepless nights Lord, please help me Lord.

    In Jesus name I pray,


  46. Debt free for Church building

    Dear God in Heaven of Miraculous doing today for us and for others.
    Jesus mighty name we ask this that our LOan which we have taken for the building the Church building we have taken Loan againss the Land Pares .
    it may god and never come again in Jesus mighty name.

    thnak you Jesus .
    plz Pray with us to build our church building , bez many peple are growing in our church we have building but now we need big so we taken loan for that ,as you know Uttrakhand is called a gods land and it is a beutifull and holy rivers and mountains people are atreacted to see its beauty so many holy priglimages here plz pray for this also .



  47. Stressful times!

    Lord I understand that I can not always do it alone! I ask that you help bring the right people my way to help my wife and I with our dept! I thank you for at least listening! Amen

  48. Father in heaven bless us all

    Dear Father in heaven,

    Please Father help us to pay all our debts.We are now in big troubles, Father,we are sorry for what we have done. You are our only hope and our refuge. We know that for you father, nothing is impossible.Thank you Father for hearing our prayers in Jesus name amen.

  49. From my birth I am a debt

    I am useless in this world and what is reason that i am born? I am a debt as i was born and oh lord why is it in my life? I just want to die

  50. i need immediate help

    Dear Lord,

    Please forgive me for the transgressions that have put me in this place. Some have been due to ignorance or spending I should not have done. Others have been for medical issues, and other things that have affected my life out of my control.

    I know I have not always followed Your ways, and I ask for forgiveness from that. But if I could possibly get the promotion I have been working on, or especially in getting help in getting a refinance, it could be the much needed difference in moving forward and allowing me to pay back what I need to, as well as help others in need.

    Please hear me and help me in any way possible. You are my salvation, Lord, and my faith in You is all I need.


  51. Have Mercy

    Lord, its been a long hard road this past 11 years or so. My son’s soon to be birthday will be just another day.

    Everyday I pray for financial recovery so that my debts to doctors, banks, friends, enemies, relatives and FAMILY can be paid off.

    I pray…….and I wait for the gentle voice to say to me…….Come, arise, your debts have been erased……..treat your family well henceforth………..

    Partner in Prayer.

  52. huge debt of R200 000

    Please god. I am unemployed through an unfaithful person.
    I owe the bank R200 000 by 31 August 2014.
    Or they are going to hand me to the legal dept. P
    Please send an angel into my life soon. I am diabetic and with
    High blood pressure. And hypertention.

  53. jesus please help

    dear lord jesus ,

    Please help me im haveing 5,00,000 inr credit im sorry i made this , please help me to finish of all my credits and and i would like to be a testomonie to people for the living god . amen

  54. Lord pls help me out of debth

    Pls God I love you and believe in your promise in Hebrews6 verse 10
    Pls God I believe you and I know you will not leave nor forsake me
    I need to get out of debts I have prayed, fasted but all seems so hard
    It seems but it is not in Jesus name
    I have broken your covenant pls God have mercy on my in Jesus name
    I believe and confess that you will help me lord Jesus
    Thank you for helping me out of debts

  55. needed help

    I wish for someone can come forward to help me with the debts I’m owing. I at my wits and I hope God will help me pull through and start afresh. I just want to be a better person after this. God please bless me and let e kind soul be with me. Tried many ways all people ignore me and even friends all avoiding me. Knowing I’m such annoying person now I wanted so much to hide myself.

    Even my love ones are looking down on me. God hope you heard my prayers and send an angel to me. I really need help. May god bless me.

    I needed $100k to pull me through, who can help me? Who can offer me a helping hand. Didn’t people wrote everywhere in the net that rich people offering help to the poor or lending a helping hand? Who are they? Even I tried to contact rich people, all didn’t reply me.

    God, you hear me? I only need what I need with No extra to settle everything. Please send the angel to me.

    In the prayers name, Amen.

  56. needed help

    I wish for someone can come forward to help me with the debts I’m owing. I at my wits and I hope God will help me pull through and start afresh. I just want to be a better person after this. God please bless me and let e kind soul be with me. Tried many ways all people ignore me and even friends all avoiding me. Knowing I’m such annoying person now I wanted so much to hide myself.

    Even my love ones are looking down on me. God hope you heard my prayers and send an angel to me. I really need help. May god bless me.

    I needed $100k to pull me through, who can help me? Who can offer me a helping hand. Didn’t people wrote everywhere in the net that rich people offering help to the poor or lending a helping hand? Who are they? Even I tried to contact rich people, all didn’t reply me.

    God, you hear me? I only need what I need with No extra to settle everything. Please send the angel to me.

    In the prayers name, Amen.

  57. Hear my prayer, O Lord

    Oh Lord, I don’t ask for any extra $$$$ – just the amount of debt I owe so I can get on with my life. I have worked hard all of my life but since retirement – everything financially has gone downhill. Please help me to find the money to pay off my debt ASAP. I am struggling… every way. I will live my life better and differently if you will just hear my prayer. I am at the end of my rope……Please, I pray, help me!

  58. praying to get out of unwanted debts

    I have a mountains of debt, but i keep praising Lord that im alive today and for ever Amen

  59. Praying to get out of debt

    Please Jesus me get out of debt and begin to live and dance again.I took care of my husband with cancer anad devoted myself to his well being and surrounded hime with love..I am now $20,00 in debt and hav lost teeth …and in pain as I can no longer dance …I trust and have faith in your blessings and wish to serve and be love and shine…

  60. Lord pls help me to get out of Debt!!!

    Dear God! you are my Jehovah Jireh! my great provider!I pray in Jesus’s name that I will be free from all my debts, amen!

  61. Out of Debt Prayer

    Father I thank you for clearing everyone of debt,Father teach them in your Word,so they can learn to be happy with what they has.Father let be free in Jesus Name.(Please pray for me too)

  62. I'm in too much debt

    Oh dear god, please help me to overcome my debts… I’m in too much debts and i have no other way other than you. I dont know how to pay back everything. I know nothing is impossible with god.
    My debts are not only for me but also for my family. You know my situations, you only know my everything.. Please show me a way otherwise i dont know what will happen. I will not forget you..Please forgive my sins as I’m not good to you. Please help me God..
    Than you for hearing my cries… thank you for answering my prayers. i want to look after my family.. My parents, my sisters..

  63. prayer to get out of debts

    Father in the name of Jesus, I am in debts, I owe a lot of banks and people, I am asking for your prayers to get out of debt ,I am overloaded with debt. I know if I get out of debts I will help the poor who are ineed, I am indeed the only one the family is rely on. father in Jesus name I know my sins are forgiven. I don’t have money to pay for my medication and pay school fees my my children I have adopted from my sister . Please help me in the name of jesus

  64. Taxes

    Heavenly Father, I come humbly to you asking for our financial burdens. My husband and I chose and accountant that reported our earnings wrong and this has catapulted us in $99,000 in debt and my wages are being garnish and my husband’s business is in jeopardy. I pray speedy resolution and compassion for our attorney and the tax representative(R. Adams) that is threatening to shut down our business. I know you will not give us more than we can bear. I ask this in your son’s name, Jesus. amen.

  65. Prayer to get out of debt

    Oh Lord my God, i am in deep financial trouble because i failed to listen to you. i got loan to start up a business but the but failed, i was also extravangant in the way i was spending money and i did not think of saving well. Now i owe debt of almost five million, more than three quater of my salary is cut to pay the load, being an orphan,i can hardly feed well or provid for myself and my family. Lord forgive my foolishness and rescue me out of this financial mess, it stress me up alot.My deadline are tomorrow, the 17th april 2014 and 30rd april 2014. i promised to be a change person after this trouble is over

    I will praise your name for ever and give testimony about your goodness to me.

  66. pray for my debt

    please pray for me to get out of debt I owed money for rent and I needed to pay it ASAP

  67. Lord help me to overcome this

    Lord help me to overcome this financial debt. Bring to me your love strength and wisdom. Help me and guide me to always appreciate all I already have. Thank you in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus Christ. There is no other choice but this choice. Thank you Jesus thank you St Anthony and thank you Matthew thank you Blessed Mother.

  68. To pay debt

    Dear god please help me to settle all the debt that cause me stress..lead me the way on how to do to cover up all my debts.grant me more blessings and guide me the right path to choose the right people to deal with..

  69. To pay debt

    Dear god please help me to settle all the debt that cause me stress..lead me the way on how to do to cover up all my debts.grant me more blessings and guide me the right path to choose the right people to deal jesus name i pray

  70. To pay debt

    Dear god please help me to settle all the debt that cause me stress..lead me the way on how to do to cover up all my debts.grant me more blessings and guide me the right path to choose the right people to deal jesus name i pray

  71. To pay debt

    Dear god please help me to settle all the debt that cause me stress..lead me the way on how to do to cover up all my debts.grant me more blessings and guide me the right path to choose the right people to deal jesus name i pray

  72. Financial distress

    Please dear God

    Help me to help all that I love. I am in serious financial trouble. I can only turn to you. PleAse help me out of this situation. I need to hold your hand and walk with me through these trials and tribulations. I can help so many who Are in as desperate financial need as I am. Please dear G od help me solve these financial troubles for my business, my personal life, my daughters and so s, my sister and brother and my friends who are in need. Please he me so I can help them. Thank you for answering my prayers and helping me attain financial help from you.

  73. out of debt

    Father in the Name of Jesus Christ,I readed a couple of these prayer request. They all in need for debt cancellation, first off all,please forgive me by blaming others for my bad debt record. Father thank You for helping me in 2014 to live money wise.Lord I lived in disobedience by your Word of not to become a slave of mamon. Father in the Name of Your Son Jesus Christ,please release us all from the claws of mamon, and let we never go into debt again.Father I thank you for the Blessings over our lifes. In Jesus Name I prayed.Amen

  74. debts

    i am in debts i am asking you dear lord please deliver us your children from all evil let us understand that you lord is our daily bread. May the light of heaven shine upon us all thank you father from delivering us from our debts in jesus name.

  75. God help me out of all debts

    Oh dear God i come to You in the name of Jesus Christ..please help me out of 12000 rand was bcs of my carelesness um in this debt..please forgive and help me of how i shuld handle my finances..thank you Lord Amen

  76. Prayer to get out of debt

    Lord, I’m currently in debt and at the same time I need to help my husband. I made a loans before I got married and I didn’t inform my husband but eventually I had to tell him as I need to send quarter of my salary to my mom every month to pay the loans. My husband was helping me to finished 2 of my credit cards before and I feel so guilty because I was spending for something stupid.
    Lord, forgive my sins. I just need your help Lord to provide me with the financial means to be able to breath again.

    Please Lord, hear my prayer. Amen.

  77. prayer to get out of debt

    Oh Dear Lord, I feel so worthless after losing my car about 2 years ago due to financial trouble. I am drowing in debt,, please I need a breakthrough, just enough to settle my debt Lord……Thank you

  78. To pay off my all debts

    Lord, please make me free from my all debts before 30th December 2013 and i will never made debts, so please Lord save me, help me and I want to be a free person and want to enter as a free person for year 2014. Please Lord help me, save me.

    Amen Amen Amen

  79. Help me Lord

    The name of the father the son the Holy spirit amen

    Lord help me with my fanicial problems
    This was a good year you blessed me with many things
    i thank you for that,but i eneded puttinng myself in debts.
    and now i am asking you Lord to help me get out of the hole.
    i have raaised my hand Lord i still see a chance of getting out.

    Lord please hold my hand and take me out.
    i see hands of brothers and sisters who are asking for your help
    please Lord take them out ,we have learnt our lesson.
    I know in your name all is blessed

    i beleive my prayer will be answered, and i know cash loan is not an option, beause with you all is well.

    i thank you Father, Glory to Jesus…….

  80. Financial

    Please GOD please release me of my financial debts. I am so buried please LORD, please!!!! please!!! I want to provide for my kids & relationship please oh please,


  81. Financial

    Please GOD please release me of my financial debts. I am so buried please LORD, please!!!! please!!! I want to provide for my kids & relationship please oh please,


  82. Financial

    Please GOD please release me of my financial debts. I am so buried please LORD, please!!!! please!!! I want to provide for my kids & relationship please oh please,


  83. Prayer for my debts

    Dear Lord hear my cry, I have made so many big mistakes concerning money, I am in debts that are beyond my salary, I canÒ€ℒt even pay my daughters school fees, canÒ€ℒt even help my mum paying the bills. I believe that anything is possible through you my Might God, I am also praying for a good job so I can be able to live according to my salary. In the name of Jesus Christ I am Debts free. Thank you Jesus.

  84. help me overcome this debt

    help me with my debt, already been 3 years , otw to being debt free, pls help me overcome this mess I landed myself into, I pray to god, pls help me as I cannot get over this without yr help

  85. prayer to clear a debt

    Thank you Lord because you said when we pray we receive so Lord am praying for 500 dollars to clear my debt on Thursday this week

  86. Yipes when will it end?

    Oh god please help me get control of my finances and be grateful for just enough and stop looking for more than that…help me sell my house and get just enough to have a cushion to protect me from worry and insecurity….if you will just help me for now i will learn to be grateful for just enough as you were.

  87. Yipes when will it end?

    Oh god please help me get control of my finances and be grateful for just enough and stop looking for more than that…help me sell my house and get just enough to have a cushion to protect me from worry and insecurity….if you will just help me for now i will learn to be grateful for just enough as you were.

  88. Yipes when will it end?

    Oh god please help me get control of my finances and be grateful for just enough and stop looking for more than that…help me sell my house and get just enough to have a cushion to protect me from worry and insecurity….if you will just help me for now i will learn to be grateful for just enough as you were.

  89. He forgave my debts...

    Lord you have forgiven me of a great debt of sin that I could not pay. I was a slave to sin and by Your grace you have forgiven me and set me free!

    Now, Lord, please help me out of this massive financial debt that came as a result of my disobedience to you. I need Your intervention. I want to live a financially free life so I can help others. Free me from the slavery of this debt.

    Your word says that if anyone asks for wisdom, that you will freely give it. I need wisdom, and I need the strength. You are my provider and my God and my salvation. All-knowing, Wonderful Mighty Counselor. I praise your Holy Name.


  90. relieve me from debt

    please lord help me get out of financial debt the only way im gothsing to get out is your help. I need your help lord please lord let me have money to pay off my student loan im sorry.lord you know my situation please relieve me from debtplease lord have mercy on me lord lord have mercy on me.

  91. relieve me from debt

    please lord help me get out of financial debt the only way im gothsing to get out is your help. I need your help lord please lord let me have money to pay off my student loan im sorry.lord you know my situation please relieve me from debtplease lord have mercy on me lord lord have mercy on me.

  92. O Lord Help Me

    I know due to my own foolishness I am now 16,000 in debt and now do not have a job and do not know what to do, Please Lord forgive me and somehow get me relief from this burden ,Its more than I can bearand I know not what to do or how to go about it , please have mercy on our family I am afraid of crumbling under thi weight. Help us o Lord.

  93. O Lord Help Me

    I know due to my own foolishness I am now 16,000 in debt and now do not have a job and do not know what to do, Please Lord forgive me and somehow get me relief from this burden ,Its more than I can bearand I know not what to do or how to go about it , please have mercy on our family I am afraid of crumbling under thi weight. Help us o Lord.

  94. free me from indebtedness

    heavenly father i am so depressed at the moment because of the debts i owe to the banks will you help me get out of these debts now i have seen the mistakes i have made i will do better Lord deliver me from this sin that seem to bound me free me i want to feel whole again i cant function with all this stress Lord please help me and set me free from indebtedness to the bank Lord am depending on you for your help . I ask friends for help noone seem to be able to help me but Lord i know you are not willing to see me suffer deliver me from the snares and the hands of the enemy.Father look down upon me in my time of distress, rescue me deliver me from indebtedness please i please. send your thousand angels to deliver and rescue me .


    Dear Friends,

    I request all of you to join me in imploring my problems to the LORD JESUS. Oh God, I am truly sorry for being hasty and getting into deep trouble. Pardon me for not listening to your voice and have taken wrong decisions which has pulled me and my family into a pool of financial troubles. Oh my God forgive me Master and send us help to come out of this financial problem we are in and never permit us to do the same mistake again. This I beg of you thru the name of your only son our brother Lord Jesus and our heavenly Mother Mary. Amen.

  96. Pray for us...for Financial Blessings so that we may help others


    I claimed it for you – now claim it for me. God has more than a thousand ways to provide for us, that we know nothing about. Here is your financial blessing!

    It’s a simple prayer, you got 30 Seconds?

    Don’t sleep on this…Someone recently read this for the first time and received exactly enough for a $0 balance on all credit cards..

    If you need a financial blessing, continue reading this e-mail.

    Heavenly Father, most Gracious and Loving God, I pray to you that you abundantly bless my family and me. I know that you recognize, that a family is more than just a mother, father, sister, brother, husband and wife, but all who believe and trust in You.

    GOD, I send up a prayer request for financial blessing for not only the person who sent this to me, but for me and all that I have forwarded this message on to. And that the power of joined prayer by those who believe and trust in you is more powerful than anything. I thank you in advance for your blessings. God, deliver the person reading this right now from debt and debt burdens.

    Release your Godly wisdom that I may be a good steward over all that you have given me GOD, for I know how wonderful and mighty you are and how If we just obey you and walk in your word and have the faith of a mustard seed that you will pour out blessings. I thank you now Lord for the recent blessings I have received and for the blessings yet to come, Because I know you are not done with me yet.. In Jesus name Amen

    TAKE 60 SECONDS and send this on quickly and within hours, you will have caused a multitude of people to pray to God for each other. Then sit back and watch the power of God work in your life for doing the thing that you know He loves. Peace and Blessings….Have Faith

    8 angels are sent 2 you,

    You must send them to 8 – 20 people (including me). In 8 minutes you will receive something you have long awaited

  97. My humble prayer

    Lord i am really sorry for not listening you. I believe you can get me out from this situation. Debt is almost making my head sink. But Lord i see you walking upon the tempest. Please please…help me i can’t even breath because of this situation. But nothing is impossible with you. In Jesus name i pray..Amen

  98. Debt chain

    Lord I owe £1126 and I put my trust in you to get me out of this crisis for it is me who got my self in this and now there is no other way I can get out of this than to trust in you. Amen.

  99. huge debts

    I have landed myself in huge financial debts.Since I do not have any employment and also my small shop is incurring losses I am unable to get out of this mounting debts. Honestly confess this is of my own making which has not only ruined my peace but also other members of my family. I sincerely pray for a miracle from our Gracious Lord.

  100. In Financial debt

    Lord God, I lost my second job and I work casually at the only job I have now.
    I’m scared I have fallen behind on my credit card debt, I have borrowed heavily and I have to pay taxes to the Government.
    Please God grant me the money to ease this burden and to use the money to help my fellow human beings in need.

  101. Please help me LORD of financial troubles

    Lord release me from this financial debt. This burden is difficult and is causing stress and anxiety. Let me know that you walk beside me and together we will find a solution to this financial debt. I surrender to you because you have never let me down. I am $40,000 in debt, please help me Lord. In the name of Jesus I am free.

  102. Please help me LORD of financial troubles

    Lord release me from this financial debt. This burden is difficult and is causing stress and anxiety. Let me know that you walk beside me and together we will find a solution to this financial debt. I surrender to you because you have never let me down. I am $40,000 in debt, please help me Lord. In the name of Jesus I am free.

  103. Please help me LORD of financial troubles

    Lord release me from this financial debt. This burden is difficult and is causing stress and anxiety. Let me know that you walk beside me and together we will find a solution to this financial debt. I surrender to you because you have never let me down. I am $40,000 in debt, please help me Lord. In the name of Jesus I am free.

  104. God's blessing to clear my debts

    Ihumbly pray to my God to strength my faith in this trying moment. Let my brothers and sisters in christ pray for me so that our living God can bless me with money and i clear these debts. O God, help me to get out of this situation. Amen.

  105. Deliverance from Debt

    Father In Heaven, I come before you in humility asking for your help. I know I am not worthy to ask anything from you. However, I have no one else to turn to.

    I need a financial blessing right now. I need 300,000.00 to pay for all my debts. I do not ask for anything more than this.

    I know that I am in this situation because of my own doing. Please allow me to get out of this situation and I promise you that I will be more mindful and prayerful when it comes to my blessings in the future.

    I promise to also help those who are in the same situation as I am.

    I also promise to spread your generosity towards me.

    Please help me as I am so desperate.

    Thank you.

  106. pls pray for me

    Lord God, first of all thank u for all the blessings and pls forgive me for all my sins …
    i am now suffering from so much debt and another mistake for being a guarantor, Lord i’m not asking for wealth only to become a debt free… its very stressful and sometimes i wanna end my life because of these problems again, help me lord help me, in JESUS name AMEN .

  107. Prayer to get out debt

    Dear Lord,

    I am in debts beyond what i am capable in pay. I need your help and i asked that you would forgive me for making so many mistakes concerning my finances that has gotten me into this mess. It is causing me and my family sleepless night and stress. Help me to be a good steward from this day onward. In Jesus name i pray. Amen

  108. Prayer to get out debt

    Father God,
    I have made a lot of wrong choices and gotten into debts that are beyond my ability to solve. I need your divine intervention into my finances and i want to thank you in advance for supernatural debts cancellation. I pray also for all your people who are also facing this problem and i asked that you will release them from the burden of debts which is causing them sleepless night. Thank Jehovah Jireh.
    Amen and Amen

  109. Prayer to get back into credit

    Lord, you have blessed my life in so many ways innumerable to mention here. I have come to know you through prayer and your powerful intercession. I beg of thee to loose these chains that bind me in debt. Forgive me for my many sins, and please endow me with the means to pay off the last few thousand pounds, and give me the means to go and use the material blessings to help my family and those in need. Teach me your ways Lord.

  110. Huge debt

    Lord I am currently in debt that i cannot possibly pay. What began as a small fire has become a wild fire too ragging for me to quench on my own. Forgive me for being careless and give the wisdom and grace to pay all that i owe. Please let there be no debt for me but Love

  111. We are lucky to be alive

    God give me the strength and health to stay alive and pay my debt…I made a hole and I can not get out! Please help me climb the walls.

    Love you God!

  112. Lord release me from this debt

    Lord release me from this financial debt. This burden is difficult and is causing stress and anxiety. Let me know that you walk beside me and together we will find a solution to this financial debt. I surrender to you because you have never let me down. In the name of Jesus I am free.


    heavenly father i thank you for all the blessings u have given to me. But i’m so sorry for not using it in a good way now that i’m in debt im totally nothing. i work hard in my business but it’s still not working. Sorry heavenly father if sometimes i forgot to pray and thank you. cause i;m in a deep of depression because of my financial problem. i pray and begging u heavenly father to win me in lottery so that i can instantly pay all my debt and absolutely change my life. heavenly father i love my parents, my siblings, my niece and my nephew and my partner. i want to help them in their financial problem too.
    heavenly father i begging u to help my business to have more customer. please shield me with ur divine blessing and let my distructor clear their mind that i’m not bad as what they thinking i’m just a human seeking for the happiness and bountifull life.
    heavenly father i’m begging u too help me in my financial problem and let your powerfull hand lead me to the brighter future so that i can help others too.Amen.

  114. prayer to be free of debt

    Lord, I come to you at this moment deep in debt. Through my own fault I didnt listen to you, and now owe more than I can pay. Please Lord look down with pity on me this lowly sinner and have mercy upon me and help me to get out of debt. I do not want riches, I just need help to pay off theese debts I incurred. Please Lord help me and make it possible for me to be debt free. I thank you Lord for your blessings upon me, my children, and my husband. You know what is in my heart, please Lord help me.

  115. Prayer to get out of debt


    I claimed it for you – now claim it for me.
    God has more than a thousand ways to provide for us, that we know nothing about.
    Here is your financial blessing!

    It’s a simple prayer, you got 30 Seconds?

    Don’t sleep on this…Someone recently read this for the first time and received exactly enough for
    a $0 balance on all credit cards..

    If you need a financial blessing, continue reading this e-mail.

    Heavenly Father, most Gracious and Loving God,
    I pray to you that you abundantly bless my family and me.
    I know that you recognize, that a family is more than just a mother, father, sister,
    brother, husband and wife, but all who believe and trust in You.

    GOD, I send up a prayer request for financial blessing for not only the
    person who sent this to me, but for me and all that I have forwarded this message on to.
    And that the power of joined prayer by those who believe and trust in you is more powerful than anything.
    I thank you in advance for your blessings.
    God, deliver the person reading this right now from debt and debt burdens.

    Release your Godly wisdom that I may be a good steward over all that you
    have given me GOD, for I know how wonderful and mighty you are and how
    If we just obey you and walk in your word and have the faith of a mustard seed that
    you will pour out blessings.
    I thank you now Lord for the recent blessings I have received and for the blessings yet to come,
    Because I know you are not done with me yet.. In Jesus name Amen

    TAKE 60 SECONDS and send this on quickly and within hours, you will have caused a multitude of
    people to pray to God for each other. Then sit back and watch the power of God work in your life
    for doing the thing that you know He loves.
    Peace and Blessings….Have Faith

    8 angels are sent 2 you,

    You must send them to 8 – 20 people (including me). In 8 minutes you will receive something you have long awaited

  116. Your Help

    Dear God,
    I know that I have made many financial mistakes in my life, but please help me and my famaily out of this mess of debt. I trust you and have faith and I ask for forgiveness when I have not listsen, even when you have called to me. I that you help me with all my creditors, protect my house,help to find my husband work and purpose and my children. I prayer for other also who are going through financial hardship. I prayer that you teach men how to manage my money better and give more to families that are struggling, I pray that you help me resore the bond with my mother, father and siblings. I prayer to be debt free in my life. Thank you father in advance


  117. Thankful

    dear Lord, thank you for my health and for all the people I have in my life that help me through each day. please, i pray that u give me the strength to keep going to get out of debt its not much, but i am only 34 and have been working since i was 16. im a little tired, but am grateful that you give me strength to keep going. I am greatful to you again for my health too.

  118. Set me free from Debts

    Dear God , i come before you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ . I am sinking in debts , i tried everything it seems like there is no solution . Please pay offmy debts that i can be happy again and please bring back my joy.

  119. Help clear my debts

    Heavenly father, the almighty, please help to clear my debts by tomorrow. You have saved me once and this time round, I have made another mistake by being a guarantor. My life is fully suffered and I am truly in a mess situation today. However, I have great faith in you and I truly believe you will help to settle all my debts. I do not need to be rich. Just help to break even and I am surely work hard to find my way back. Please help me Lord, please answer my prayers. You are my last hope.

  120. debt

    I pray that God finds us a way to be debt free and never enter into another debt situation. I want to live a cash only life….with the ability to help other in this need. Debt is a burden that destroys your life in so many ways….physically, emotionally….please pray that our prayer is heard…not just for us, but for all people struggling with debt.

  121. To be debt free

    I pray for financial help for myself and my daughter. Set us free from our debts.

  122. To be debt free

    I pray for financial help for myself and my daughter. Set us free from our debts.

  123. Prayer to get out of debt.

    Sacred Heart of Jesus please forgive me for being so stupid and selfish. I am deeply sorry for all the wrong I have done by getting into debt, please by the grace of a miracle help me clear my debt and I make a solemn promise to you today that I will never be so stupid in the future to end up in this mess again. Heavenly Father, Blessed Virgin Mary and Guardian Angel Michael hear my prayer today. Help me before it interfers in my home life and family, it will destroy us. I ask for no fortune to come upon me, just my debts cleared and I will survive on what I have and make ends meet without the constant worry and sleepless nights caused by my stupid mistakes in the past. Please bestow a micale up me today Lord. M.

  124. Prayer to get out of debt.

    Sacred Heart of Jesus please forgive me for being so stupid and selfish. I am deeply sorry for all the wrong I have done by getting into debt, please by the grace of a miracle help me clear my debt and I make a solemn promise to you today that I will never be so stupid in the future to end up in this mess again. Heavenly Father, Blessed Virgin Mary and Guardian Angel Michael hear my prayer today. Help me before it interfers in my home life and family, it will destroy us. I ask for no fortune to come upon me, just my debts cleared and I will survive on what I have and make ends meet without the constant worry and sleepless nights caused by my stupid mistakes in the past. Please bestow a micale up me today Lord. M.

  125. You Never Left Me Unanswered

    Lord, You have answered most of my prayers with regards to finances. Last minute help comes out everytime my obligations come to due. Please help me out of this situation Lord. I know I have been luxurious when you gave me a chance to breathe from my debts Lord, I am sorry if I misused them. Lord, let not other people suffer because of what I have done. Give me an answered prayer today Lord for there are innocent people who will be greatly affected. Please Lord, I am slowly losing my grip now. Thank you for this social network for it gave me some hope. Help me Lord in spreading Your love and power through my experiences. Help me Lord to have a peaceful sleep. I love you my Lord. For your faithful servants in heaven, thank you for giving them to me.

  126. i need your prayers

    brothers and sisters, please help me pray for my brother who is in deep debt.

    dear lord, please forgive my brother for having acquired so much debt he does not how to handle. he is at risk of being charged in court by the many banks he owes money from. lord, i myself do not have money to help him. but i know that through your grace, you are the only one who can save him. lord god, i beg of you, please see him through this trouble. i know that he is in pain right now, he is troubled and confused and only you can help him. lord, please help my brother. i ask this of you through jesus christ our lord, with the holy spirit. amen.

  127. Prayer for coming out of debt

    Oh good Lord,

    Thank you for waking me up, I know I hae sin you,I am in a huge debt, I cannot afford to pay one, I am asking for your mercy to help me to come out of this debt, if you bless me,the tithe of it will go to the poorest not to me only, I will serve those in need and desperate, please God help me to have a peacefull sleep not to worry anymore, I have learnt a lesson, I trust you God, please listen and bless me,

    in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth

  128. Prayer for coming out of debt

    Oh good Lord,

    I am in a huge debt, I cannot afford to pay one, I am asking for your mercy to help me to come out of this debt, if you bless me,the tithe of it will go to the poorest not to me only, I will serve those in need and desperate, please God help me to have a peacefull sleep not worry anymore, I have learnt a lesson, I trust you God, please listen and bless me,

    in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth

  129. Please help me get out of Debt

    Through my own faults I have become in Debt. Please Lord help me to be strong and help me find the answers I seek to find a light in this darkness. I will vow to a good christian and I will be as good as I can while I am trying to climb the ladder of truth. Please be with me during my struggle and give me the strength no to waiver in my fight to be Debt Free. With your blessing Oh Lord, I commit to my task.

  130. Bad Choices Big Debt

    Heavenly Father,

    I am grateful for your provision everyday. I am grateful I have you to lean on and protect me. Father forgive me for my bad choices which have left me heavily in debt. I need miracle finances to pay all my debt. I know that all things are possible with You Lord and I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me. Therefore, strengthen me oh Lord.

  131. debt

    Lord please help me get out of all this debt I’m in please bless me with this request.Thank you. Forgive me for my foolish and UN grateful and ungodly thinking. Please help me to be wiser and make wiser decisions

  132. debt

    Lord please help me get out of all this debt I’m in please bless me with this request.Thank you. Forgive me for my foolish and UN grateful and ungodly thinking. Please help me to be wiser and make wiser decisions

  133. get out of my debts.

    Dear jesus,
    pls. help me clear my all my debts of my credit cards pls. help me to get out of my debts. bless my family always in jesus name amen.

  134. debt

    Dear God,

    I tried to help a friend and he betrayed me and not paid his debt now I am held accountable, help me oh Lord to overcome this and to not be mad at my friend, help me forgive him and that I may have the resources to pay it off, let me be a good student to you, this is an experience in my life that I am willing to learn all that I can. Thank you and I am ready to accept whatever decisions you have for me, because I know that your plans are what’s best!


    The future looks so dark and life so unappealing. I have tried in many ways to secure enough to pay my debt and survive with (including my family and dependent)and whenever I think about it what always come to my mind at the end of long trouble shooting my brain is prayer to God. Please bail me out in your glorious grace O lord.

  136. prayer to get out of debts

    Lord GOD thank you for all the best things you bestowed on i’m in great trouble of my finances,help me to get rid of my financial problem.i need your miracle,help me to find solutions.dont know what to do and where to go,whom to approach for the people im trying to reach out,also they have their own afraid of the consequences,might end up in crying daily,im emotionally,mentally disturbed.i need strenght to be able to handle all this.please Lord i need urgent answer for my problem.i know with you Lord,nothing is impossible.i ask this through Christ our Lord.Amen

  137. prayer to get out of debts

    oh Lord,i’m struggling so much because of debts. please help me to get out of debts Lord.i know that with you all things are possible.

  138. b

    Dear Jesus, please have a miracle happen and all my debts are clear and p never knows. also have money to get by. please clear me. bless me and my family and our lives together always

  139. Financial Blessing and Wise Money Use

    Hello Father, again…

    Its me again, asking for forgiveness of my misuse of money and I am also here to thank you for the many blessings you have bestowed upon me and my family. Lord, I just want another chance to show you that I can do better now that I know beter. Lord, I know you have the master plan and it is already written, so please allow me to stay focused and know that you are in charge with everything in our lives. Father, you know which bills are behind and you know the situation. I am asking for a financial blessing, dear Lord, real soon. Thank you T



    Precious Heavenly Father i pray right now by the power and the anointing of the holy spirit that grace would mantle all that are in debt right now that the comfort of the holy spirit will make them strong and un-yielding to the evil suggestions of the devil.

    That courage will rise in them like an edifice and the very presence of the spirit will over shadow & grant them great Peace in Jesus name.

  141. i need a job to pay my debts

    Our heavenly father please help me im in debts Lord please take me out Amen

  142. deliver me from debt

    Heavenly father,

    I thank and praise you for the opportunity to approach your throne and receive help in time of need. I am sorry for the things I did to land myself in this mess. Please forgive me and teach me to do the right thing. Help me to stick to the narrow way and cling to the cross. Please send me enough money to clear my debts and start afresh. Provide me also with wisdom to order my life according to your will. Show me your will for my life. Give me an occupation that utilises the gifts you have endowed me with. Thank you for hearing and answering my prayer. In Jesus name I pray and believe. Amen.

  143. Please help me to come out of the debts lord

    Oh heavenly father!

    I have mishandled the public money and its completely my fault. Now i am having a very big debt. Situation forces me to turn bad. I am helpless lord. I confess all my sins and mistakes. Please forgive me and give me a solution to clear off all this debts. Please give me the confidence to come out of this problem. Please guide me in the good path and save me out of this problem lord. I beg of you to help me lord. Please lord… Please…. I am helpless…. I have no option other than finishing myself. Please lord, help me……

  144. In debt with medical & dential bills

    Heavenly Father, I am in debt because of my medical and dential bills. It seems like with my disability income I will never be able to pay them off. Bankrupsey seems like th only thing to do; God I am sure that You have a better plan for me. I humbley ask You to show me Yor plan or bring Your plan into action. Thank You Heavely Father; In Jesus Name. Amen.

  145. Prayer to get out of debt

    Father GOD,

    I come to you as humble as I am, crying out to you my Lord.I am over indebted and it’s all my fault.I don’t even know where to start or what to do in this case. I find myself trying to do a lot of things on my own and it’s just impossible. I am asking for my debts to be cleared and I am not asking for any richness. Forgivem me Father for not listening to You and You warned me in so many ways but I did not listen.

    I am asking for forgiveness, and I pray against my finances in Jesus name I thank you LORD.


  146. I'm Seriously in debt

    Dear Lord My Father. the creator of heaven and earth, I humbly come before thee at this moment to ask for your divine favor and grace. Lord provide for me according to your riches in glory through your son Christ Jesus. Father help me clear all my debts. In Jesus Name…Amen

  147. A prayer for freedom in financial debt

    Lord Jesus Christ i humbly pray for your help, guidance and mercy. At this point in time i’am finally in debt with various banks and people. Lord i admit that i have made several wrong decisions in life especially in handling money, that resulted to the break-up of my family. Lord, i believe that you will not forsake nor abandon me, i know that during the most difficult time in my life you were at my side. Lord i cannot go on through with this without you. Please Lord i beg of you to help me to pay all my debts, grant me the wisdom to spend my money wisely and with all of my hearth i pray oh Lord please help me to rebuild my family again. Lord i pray that you intervene in all of my financial dealings, endowed your Holy Spirit to those institutions/people whom i owe that they me may considerate and understanding on my short comings. Lord thy God i really don’t know what to do, and it is in you that i will only find a peaceful refuge. Thank you Lord for all the blessings that i have received in spite of all the predicament that i’am going through, Lord please help! all of this i ask in your glory AMEN!!!

  148. Mostly Hospital/doctors debt and a few other items

    Father God, I feel so bad because of the debt I owe,I don’t have the money and means to pay them off, so I’m asking if you will pay them for me, wipe all my debts clear. I don’t wont to carry this burden any longer, I just want to be in the clear with you to owe no man nothing. Thank you Father.

  149. Prayer to get out of Debt

    Dear God you know my needs better than anyone. I have the heavy of burden of a large debt. I am asking for a financial blessing that will eliminate or greatly reduce this debt. I feel trapped and dragged down by this heavy burden. I do not ask for any luxury and any extra, not a penny more than I need. Just enough to relieve the stress and burden. Amen

  150. A prayer to loosen debts in our lives

    Dear Lord Creator of all things, you know the needs of your children who have expressed their problems of debts on this site, Abba Father, i lift up everybody unto you that you will touch each one and answer their cry, for you are our Lord, and provider, and in the name of Jesus, we cast all debts under the cross of Jesus for him to deal with them as he will, we now claim debt free lives and good returns to our labour, in Jesus name, Amen

  151. Lord please help me.

    Dear Lord: Who can I turn to but You Lord. I am in debt and retiring since my health is not the best. Please send me a sign as a way for me to ease these burdens of debt. January and February will be extremely hard on me since I will not receive any SS or pension, until end of February. I helped so many in my family as best I could. I don’t want to have to file for bankruptcy, I want to clear up my debts. Please Lord, show me the way! I know miracles happen for those who have faith. If I could pay off half the debt, I would be able to survive. You have always been there for me, please stay beside me.

  152. Financial blessings and or miracles.

    HEAVENLY FATHER, I am desperate to pay off a ton of debt, because of being on disability and having a lot of medical and other bills to pay. Please GOD grant me financial blessings and or miracles. LORD, I stand with others on this site believing for their financial blessings and or miracles. I humbly stand on Luke 6:38, I can’t give much money but I will give of my time to pray for others. I pray that many other Christians will do the same. Thank YOU HEAVENLY FATHER, IN JESUS NAME; Amen.

  153. DEBT


  154. Thank You

    Dear God, I have done wrong in so many areas of my life. I have looked to others, and material things for security and happiness. When all I need is you. Now I am lonely and depressed. I have accumulated an unmanagable amount of debt because of my search for something. I ask for your gracious blessings, that are so undeserved. Please help, and free me from my debt burden, and show me the way. Thank you for all you have given me, and for your graciousness ! Amen !

  155. Debt

    Hi All.

    I am a debt master and would require minimum Rs 4.5 Lakhs immediately that is from right now. I am really indebted to everyone whoever helps me out.


  156. Please help and guide me to get out of this debt im in.

    Jesus i thank you so much for all you have given me. Im asking for your help with this big debt we are in. Please give me the strength and guid me on were to go from here. My husbands hours were cut last year and we had to pay bills with credit cards. Now we are both working with good jobs but can not catch up on these bills. Since we were late a few house payment we can not even refinance. I dont sleep at night and im afraid of whats ahead. Please oh lord please give me the streigth and wisdom to do the right thing. Please guide me on who we can turn to for help. Thank you for all you have done. In Jesus name Amen

  157. Marriage

    God I pray that you will grant me this marriage which u have promised me to cele,God i pray that the meeting of the parents may go smooth,the meeting with pastor and his wife go smooth we need your intervention God,the meeting with Astrid and Adam go smooth.Lord i need u to intervene in the Name of Jesus Amen

  158. Debt Relief

    Dear God, I am so thankful for my many blessings. I know you always provide. As you know, we have a the burden of a huge debt. This debt is dragging us down and is making it difficult to move forward in our lives. I ask humbly that you will send us relief from this debt. Nothing extra, not a dollar more, than what we need to eliminate this debt. I am sorry for the greed and sinfullness that got us to this point. Please send us help, as soon a possible. AMEN

  159. Please Forgive my Debts

    Dear Lord,

    Please forgive my debt fast, before it is too late for me. I feel trapped, and there is no one I can turn to for financial help,except you. I am in debt purely due to greed and sin. I regret and want to walk out of my sin. I got into debt because of gambling, one of the worst sins I know of and hear of. I am still gambling, desperately trying to get out of the debt and slowly sinking further. I got a part-time job, but I worry it is not sustainable and it is putting a strain on the other areas of my life. I worry I may lose my job because of my debt, or because my company does not want me. I worry I may lose all my relationships with my family, wife and friends. I worry I will lose my house and maybe my life. I am afraid anyone finds out because it means they will judge me and I will lose their love and trust. I also fear I will lose my job. I have so much to be able to offer to life but I am burdened by my debt. I am so tired. please forgive all my debts and own my life, my Lord. I wish to walk with you and beg of you to take charge of all aspects of my life. Please provide me miracle provision to clear my financial debts so that I can have another chance.


    a sinner

  160. Debt Relief

    God, I am so grateful for the many blessing you have given me. I know that is debt we have has been acquired by our own fault and for that I am sorry. I know you always have and always will provide for our every need. I ask that you will send us a financial blessing in order to eliminate or greatly reduce our large debt. Our goal is to be out of debt in 1 year, but we need your help. Please send us speedy help. And help us to live a more financially responsible life. Amen.

  161. Debt

    Dear God you know my needs better than anyone. I have the heavy of burden of a large debt. I am asking for a financial blessing that will eliminate or greatly reduce this debt. I feel trapped and dragged down by this heavy burden. I do not ask for any luxury and any extra, not a penny more than I need. Just enough to relieve the stress and burden. Amen.

  162. DEBT


  163. Large Debt

    We have a large debt and we need to clear before I retire. Is there that God can help me find ways to clear that debt of $ 140,000.00. We do make our minimal payments, but our debt does not seem to go down fast enough.

    This morning, we took out $ 500.00 from our checking account. My wife has $ 400.00 and I have $ 100.00. I intend to take $ 10.00 and give it to my church and $ 10.00 to make an additionnal to one of my credit cards. I have to live for the next two weeks on $ 80.00. I have to do this in hiding when I give to my Church. My wife will be upset if she ever finds out. She is not in favor of tithing. Her philosophy is that it is not God’s money, it’s ours. We have worked hard for it. She will spend money at Bingos and buying lottery tickets, but we never win. At Bingos she will win the grand prize of $ 1000.00 but it has been a long time. We need God’s help to change our philosophy on Money and Debt.

  164. God i really need you to help get out of this mountain of debts

    Dear Jesus my God my Saviour. I have more than 2million debts and its sucking the life out of me. Stress of people calling me. Stress that my family willnfind out stress that the people who put me down before will see me in this situation. I am so sorry i did not take care of the thinga you have given me job, life , dreams come true. Pls give me one more time another chance lord for the sake of my husband and my little angel. I have ruined my husbands dream my dreams. Pls jesus i dont know what to do anymore i am in deep deep deep trouble they will call again tomorrow i am scared i am really really scared to wake up every morning and remembering all these debts. I need your help jesus i really really need your help. Lord God heavenly King Almighty Father i really nees your help i ask this in Jesua name AMEN

  165. Amazing Heavenly Father

    Father I ask you to remove my stress away. I think of miracles everyday wondering how my Dear Father is going to wash my worries away. My partner and I have gain so much debt due to being unemployed and choosing paths than I shouldn’t take. God you know your my only savior and in you I trust. Help my partner and I to stay focus, have patience, and give us strength through-out this journey. I ask for this favor to clear my bills away to allow me to move forward in life and maintain strength through a job and my miracle I have ask in your name. Amen, love you and thank you for your blessings.


    Almighty Father as I come before you this day, may your Grace grant me humility and meekness, for such qualities have I not always put on display before you. I thank you for your mercies and kindness that you continually bestow upon me, such mercies and kindness that I oft times tend to forget because of undue focus on my troubles. O God I give thanks that you are a merciful and forgiving God and that I can take sure comfort in the knowledge that my past transgressions will be forgiven me according to your Word.

    Father I come to you specifically for you to intercede in the matter of my horrendous financial situation, even my debt burden. O merciful One I accept that it is my sin that has produced such a situation, even my sin of arrogance and disobedience to your admonition not to attempt to build up treasures in the earth. This terrible debt burden has taken a stranglehold of me and is causing temptation to engage in sinful activities to get alleviation. Great God in Heaven please forgive my sins and strengthen me to resist these temptations. Grant me patience and unwavering faith in you to allow you to provide deliverance from this situation, according to your will. Strengthen me spiritually and make me totally submissive to your will in this matter, even when your will is not what I would have wanted. Show me what to do, according to your will, and I will do it.

    These mercies I ask in the name of our saviour Lord Jesus Christ.


  167. Prayer to pay off all my debt and to help others

    In the name of God the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit, Father i come to you this morning with a humble heart Father. Firstly i’d like to ask for your forgiveness for my sins known and unknown. Father i come before you to ask and beg for yur mercy Father over the years i have accumalated so much debt that i can’t see the light at the end of the tunnel. Yes Father at times my faith has left me but You always send someone my way to remind that You always with me no matter how heavy my burdens may be. Father in the name of Jesus please help out od this debt thats weighing me down making me do all sorts of things to get money to pay off my debt and still i don’t succeed. Father I’m your child and i need You now more then ever before. Father i have all my creditors callong me people i owe money calling me wanting their money and i don’t have to pay them, but with Your mercy and love Father i know You will come through for me. Father I want to do Your will and help others in need. Father i thank you for all my blessings my family and friends people that You send to me daily. Thank you Father for your will Your love and mercy Father i know You will come through for me I thank you for my house the house Your going to give to me thank You for my Golf 6 GTI that i know You going to give me in the Name of Jesus the Son of the Holy Spirit Father i ask this in your mighty name i trust that everything that not only i’m short of in my life but my fellow brothers and sisters known and unknown Amen.

  168. Be strong in the Lord and overcome the debt.

    Lord, I thank you for coming into my heart. I ask that you help me to overcome the debt that has such a hold on me. I ask Lord, that you take this burden and cast it out of my life, replacing my life with a spirit of abundance. Abundance of your love and satisfying salvation, to cover me. With you all things are possible. I trust you with my entire life thank you for the financial miracle.

  169. I expect the unexpected (Financial)

    Father in the name of Jesus,please move in my favor,I need my furniture bill paid, my May and June rent paid by June 22@ 1:30 God I bind and loose every spirit that trying to hold back mg finances. I declare and decree it in the name of Jesus. I take that Mountain and throw it into the sea. I thank God for my new car. In Jesus name AMEN

  170. God please help me to pyaoff my debt

    Dear father please help tp payoff my debt. My debt is so heavy that I cannot live as the way I used to live. Father please help me to find the way to payoff my debt and help me to release from the bondage of my debt. God please forgive me I was not aware of my foolish in financial and did things wrong. I praise the Lord your almighty. Thank you Jesus. Amen.

  171. please hear me

    please hear me jesus i need to get out of this 200 thousand dollar debt please forgive me for getting myself in this mess and thank you for leading me to this website..

  172. prayer to get out of debt

    i am a 46yrs old woman married and three children. iam in debt of credit

    card, loan and other shops accounts. after paying my debts i dont have money to buy food. how can i get helped so that i can get out of this debt so that i can leave with peace. also asking prayer for employment i went to interviews but they dont call me. my marital life also is not good. please help with the prayers.

  173. need to payoff my debt

    God I thank you for the beautiful day that u have given us. Thanks for all the good things u’ve given me everyday. I’m here Lord to ask u for ur help. My debt in the bank, some in the shop and some in private groups. please help me,,,,,,,,, some times I can’t sleep at night thinking about my debt. Please Lord show me the way how to solve this heavy problem.

  174. Prayer to get out of debt

    GOD I come to asking for help, I cannot get out of my debts and my life is no longer the way it used to be. I am asking GOD to help me to pay off my debts,I cannot think straight, there’s no day I don’t think of paying off my debt. Father please forgive me for putting myself into this situation. In Jesus name I praise you. Amen.

  175. Prayer to get out of debt

    GOD I come to asking for help, I cannot get out of my debts and my life is no longer the way it used to be. I am asking GOD to help me to pay off my debts,I cannot think straight, there’s no day I don’t think of paying off my debt. Father please forgive me for putting myself into this situation. In Jesus name I praise you. Amen.

  176. angel of miracles

    Oh angel of miracles help all of us with financial worries this night. wishper in the ears of jesus of our plight and may all hear be relieved of this worry.


  177. Prayer to get out of debts

    Please help, my debts are just too much. I just donno what to do with them.

  178. My FAMILY



    I will pray for yeou too. Also pray for me. It is terrible. I know that God is there. We could work together and get a solution for God helps all who make an effort.

  180. getting out of debts

    Please pray for me so that God can get me out of debts. I can not imagine overcoming debts without the help of God. I am overloaded with debts anf feel unable to pay them even if I am trying to reduce them. My life is full of stress. Pray for me for a miracle today. I believe.

  181. Forgive me for my amount of debt

    Please pray that I can move forward with God’s help and light. I am in terrible need of financial help to may debtors. I do not see how I can ever possibly pay them. Please help intercede on my behalf to receive enough monies to pay them full and incomplete. I am a hard working person who always helps out my family in financial need, but it is now my turn to ask you for help, please dear Lord, please have mercy and help me find my way quickly out of this insurmountable situation.

  182. I want to be out of debts

    O lord, help me to be out of debts. I am sorry for not listening to you. I have no peace, I am afraid, I cannot do anything that a human being can do. eg. buying food, paying debts, paying rent, no. home, no car, etc.
    Help me Lord.

  183. Giving to God

    My husband and I have been giving over and above our tithe even though we are seeing a decrease in our business earnings we are in debt and our giving to church is throwing us even further in debt. I am asking the Lord to show up in this hard situation and give us clear direction as to what he wants from us. Should we just keep giving while getting deeper and deeper in the hole, when will God show up, how will be provide these questions take over my thoughts and I need relief. Please hear my cry Lord!

  184. Financial breakthroughs and debt relief

    Dear Heavenly father,
    Forgive me Lord for the mess I have gotten myself into. I have only myself to blame, Please step into my situation and help me out of the debt that consuming me, my life, health, my family ect. Please dear God I pray for abundance and prosperity, please give enough that is according to your will for me. Please God relieve me of this financial pressure and help me to learn from my mistakes. In Jesus mighty name I pray Amen

  185. I need urgent help with debts and stress

    Please God forgive me for the choices I have made that put me in such financial debt. I can’t handle the stress much longer, I don’t want my debt to burden my family. Please help me find a way to rid of my debts and to make better financial choices in the future. I pray to you God for an quick answer as I do not have much time. Please guide me God.

  186. Have nothing

    I read prays and the all say debts I have no debts just nothing no house no car no bank account nothing I owe money but they can’t get what is not there nothing I have two sons that live with Mother my daughter lives with me and I live with mom 46 years old with mom and nothing no job no nothing no future nothing so I just want to pray for the problem to have worry of paying for something so God please send me things to have debts for

  187. Prayer to be free from debt

    Dear Lord, I pour out my heart to you today. it appears no one is willing to help me sort my debt in this critical time but i know your help alone can see me through this period without shame in place of work and home. I owe house rent, i owe children school fees, i am unable to repay my debt due to heavy monthly commitment but i know your glory is far bigger than this situation. Please come to my rescue o Lord because i want to be happy and come back to life. I am grateful for all that you have given me, good health and sound mind but i need to be free of debt. Please God send an unexpected helper before the end of today 2/7/18. I believe in you for a miraculous visit today. Thank you in anticipation dear God…

  188. Being stress free

    Praying for all, and my family to be stress and debt free in the name of Jesus, Amend

  189. Debt free

    Lord I’m asking u to help me an my family I’am a single mom try to make it on my own it’s hard for me right now I need u lord I’m really struggling right now tryann to get a job

  190. Overwhelmed

    I’m asking for prayers for our family to get out of debt. Eight years ago, I had gotten divorced and was a single mom of theee for four years. Over time, I had accumulated substantial debt with school loans and just living expenses. Today, we are still struggling to get out of it. Thank you so much. God bless

  191. Miraculous Financial Blessing


    I come to you today more earnest than before asking for your grace and mercy to relieve me of the burden of debt of which i suffer. I am doubtful of my ability to satisfy this responsibility. I know that it is of my own making..against your will.
    l KNOW you want that which is good for me. I am learning myself with your righteous word to do better for myself and those near and dear to me, Even those I don’t know or those far from me and not so dear. Ooh LORD. ..BE BIT FAR FROM MY HELP. PROTECT ME UNTIL I AM ABLE TO RE PAY THESE DEBTS WITH THE GLORY OF YOUR SPIRIT. I HAVE FAITH OH LORD THAT YOU ARE MY BUCKLER AND SHIELD AND NO MAN COMEST AGAINST ME TO DO ME HARM AS I TRY TO FOLLOW YOU. I PRAY TO YOU FOR MY DELIVERANCE LORD MY KING AMENπŸ˜‡

  192. Get out of debt

    Dear Load

    Please forgive me on the accumulated debt, my husband is in deep depression that he had reach the point that he had think of committed suicide, that shot me to death. We bad you for giving us free from the debt and not ask for exceesive money. The debt and the business lead us to a seperation as my husband cannot breath, so do I. I know you hear my call, I cry for help I cry, I shout for help. Our mothers are too old to handle this and we definately cannot spread this to other, so I believe that you are the one that can help

  193. Free me and my family off debt

    Dear God, the living God. I believe in you, you are the loving God, who has saved me from all my distress. I pray for your help to bless me with finance to pay off my debts, I know I have sinned and made mistakes to be in such debt, please help me. I need to help my spouse pay off his debts and pay off my school fees to get my results. I am trying by all means to better my life and to build bright future for my children by going to school. I know you will have mercy on me and now I need your help and I will preach your name to those who don’t know you.

    I believe in you my dear God and I know in you there is goodness, happiness and light.

  194. To be debt free

    Oh Lord help me to get out of debt and be financially free! The last few years have been so hard,I’ve gone through so much and as soon as I’m trying to get ahead,something else comes up! I’m so tired of having stress about money,please help me God. Thank you ,I love you

  195. Unreasonable Debt

    Lord I cannot get out of my excessive debt. I have been so angry with debt that I have said that You will not let anything good happen to me.

    My debt is keeping me from getting a better job or a loan. I cannot go without a car and I cannot afford any more financial pressure.

    I need you to break any curse that has caused this poor financial management. I need a better job where I can thrive instead of just spinning my wheels.

  196. Free from My Debts

    Dear God,
    Forgive me Lord for the mess I did in my life.
    I have only myself to blame, Please step into my situation and help me out of the debt that consuming me, my life, health, my family ect. Please God relieve me of this financial pressure and help me to learn from my mistakes.
    I have 5000000 Lakhs Debts , My debts are raising and no financial help so.
    Once I am debt free i can help others in my whole life.
    In Jesus mighty name I pray Amen

  197. Lord help me pay all the people i owe money...

    Heavenly Father my heart is broken and so worn out am almost losing breath because of the debts, my life is full of darkness right now please forgive me for causing people pain. Father am seeking for another chance I can’t breathe i hate myself and everything plus all the people. I get mad at the wrong people. I take the blame it’s all me no one is responsible it’s me lord I brought this to my self .save me from losing my self. My father in heaven am praying for a miracle in my miserable life please forgive me for my mistakes. Teach me your ways again teach me how to love and laugh again people are scared of me father am lonely. Am suffocating inside and dying lord please don’t let the devil destroy your child. Now my sister is sick again. I have almost 5million debt i have to pay 😰😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 my God I pray for a miracle please. Have failed to keep my promises i made to you lord forgive me and save me lord. Whoever is reading this please pray for me as well am 21year old care taker of my family my mom my sister please pray for me. I need to help my mom
    Am so sick and dying inside of me

  198. Prayer to get out of debts

    Lord please forgive me all my sins and the wrong decisions that I had.Please give me more strenght to recover and to continue to help people in need and your guidance.Please help me settle my debts I borrowed from my family,my friend and money lenders.God I trust in you to survive all this.Amen

  199. Prayer for financial help to clear my debts

    Dear God, am in a foreign country hoping to graduate medical school, the Zimbabwe economy has been so hard my parents have accumulated debt to pay my tuition and lately I have not been receiving from them due to the difficulty of sending from Zimbabwe and I have accumulated debt, over thousand dollars from friends and I haven’t gotten a job after all the applications made, and when I thought I got one it fell through. My deadline is tomorrow lord to start paying up I need your help lord.
    Please God help me pay off .

  200. to be out of debt from matiao

    Please help me LORD that my debt from matiao will be lowered, Thank you Lord. I been paying for this loan for a long time already. Please touch the lender the he will compute my loan to lower it.

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