Being Full – Thursday, June 20th, 2019

Because of recent heavy rains the neighborhood swimming pool has risen even with the concrete pool deck. It looks like an infinity pool. It is difficult to know where the deck stops and the water begins.

Fullness gives us a different outlook. When a meal fills us up, we appreciate the way food satisfies our hunger. When our homes are full of family and friends, we are content. Meaning- ful work fills our days with productivity.

When we think of ways to fill our lives, we should also be thinking about filling our lives with God. Paul prayed for the Ephesian church that the members would know the depth of Christ’s love, and he said, “to know this love that surpasses knowledge—that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God” (Ephesians 3:19).

Our frame of mind and our vision of life are transformed when God in Christ fills our hearts. When God fills us He gives us His Spirit “without limit” (John 3:34). As God saturates our hearts with His Holy Spirit, we have immeasurable love for God and one another. We have an ample supply of Christ’s peace, His peace, “which transcends all understanding” (Philippians 4:7). When the fullness of Christ dwells within us, we are forgiving, gracious, and truthful. Our minds think of ways to praise Him, worship Him and enjoy Him.

Being full of God is being full of Christ and His love.
Photo by Etienne Girardet

Denise Larson Cooper has a passion for Christ and sharing His Word. A wife and mother of two daughters, Denise currently works as a gymnastic coach.

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Godnesia: Keeping God in Mind Each Day
Ordinary Days With an Extraordinary Savior –
Life Is a Metaphor: Recognizing God in the Everyday –

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