Urgent prayer requests / need answers / solutions

by anonymous ()

Please lift up this bill as it so expensive and some of it is because of others also pray about something we are trying to get sorted out too and until we get this done this will not change and it needs too because it’s just so expensive like I said it’s because of this other person he has caused this too for me and family member and he doesn’t care either this really makes me mad and upset because I should not have to pay for something he did pray about the paper that we will be getting and another place we need to talk too about this as well pray we talk to the right ones about this it needs to be fixed for good I’m really upset about this and about his attitude about it too it is just nuts too no one does like this either and he has been many times too with this keep this in your prayers I have several reaching out today too about this matter also pray for me and my life with God too also

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