Prayer for My Nuclear Family

by Leila ()

I pray to You Father God , that You please prosper our humble Jeepney Restaurant at Inkster Ave. Winnioeg. I pray that you allow it to expand, too by way of sending people to franchise our business.
Please restore also our Jeepney Food truck that was taken away from us. by our former Food truck business partners. Give us a new one. In this way, we will be capable of helping more people financially and give them jobs, support Catholic Churches and platform in social media spreading Your word, help charitable institutions , and pay our debts and give back refunds of my daughter’s travel clients, and former investors.

Please pray that our goal to have 100K Canadian dollars MONTHLY SALES.

Please pray, too to arrange the schedules of our restaurant staff so that my daughter Chantilly and her spouse Mervin can also arrange their schedule to give You Lord quality especially on Sundays and Holidays of Obligation, that they can give quality time for their 4 very young children, and so that they also have quality time for rest, sleep and relaxation to have a healthy body , mind, and spirit.

I pray , too to give us all health of body and soul.

I pray for my son Jan and his wife Tine, bless their resources. I pray that my Jan removes his vice of smoking vape.

I pray that my children be good stewards of all the things that you provide them specially financially

Sustain the Catholic education of my grandchildren, yo prepare them for their priestly and religious education

Mold my children and grandchildren according to Your Holy will

Take our tempers specially our tongues.
Bring fiorth oeace in our families always

Please pray for me am grandma Leila and my children , May the Lord give us the strength and courage, wisdom, patience , peace, joy to face all tge daily challenges and struggles.

Please pray fo me ( Leila) tgat I will have the financial means , health of body and soul to go home and visit my aging parents this coming December . I pray fir my Dad Ismael to free him from getting sick of Alzheimer’s disease and for my Mom Iluminada ti be healthy and have the patience to look after our Dad. Fir our aging Aunt Felicidad, that she will be healed from her current illness.
and humility .

That my daughter and spouse will be able to buy a new house of their own and replace their old car to a family car in the near future.

Thank YOU dear Lord for listening and answering to our prayers . I claim it abd declare it in tge Mighty Name of Jesus. Amen.

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