Overwhelmed with Fear and Worry, and loneliness

by EVELYN ()

It took much courage to reach out, as I am a private person. I came to Christ (again) in June 2021. I live alone and am struggling with loneliness. I enjoy being alone, but lately, the feelings of loneliness have consumed me. I am the only one saved in my family, who lives in Ohio ( I live in Cape Coral, FL). While I attend a wonderful church, bible study, and pray every morning and throughout the day, I wonder if this is my life, to be alone. I need direction and guidance. My family is unfortunately, as maybe most, dysfuntional, toxic and broken to the point where I can’t reach out to any of them for help, except God. But sometimes, while I pray for others daily, and worry for them, (my 27 year-old nephew, who I pretty much raised) is in prison again, I too need prayer and fellowship. Can you please pray for me?

Thank you.

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